TWS News

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Wild Cam: As snow decreases, wolf stomachs rumble

Lower snow levels in Minnesota winters means fewer vulnerable deer for packs to prey on

Read Now December 19, 2024
December 20, 2024

TWS pubs in the news

The New York Times recently covered a study published in The Journal of Wildlife Management titled, “Rehabilitating tigers for range expansion: lessons from the Russian Far East.” If you haven’t...

December 20, 2024

Increasing drought poses threats to U.S. wildlife

Lack of moisture can contribute to wildlife habitat loss, heat stress and more

December 19, 2024

Wild Cam: As snow decreases, wolf stomachs rumble

Lower snow levels in Minnesota winters means fewer vulnerable deer for packs to prey on

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Bearded vulture
January 29, 2015

Tracking the Bearded Vulture by Satellite

Researchers using satellite technology to track massive vultures through the Pyrenees Mountains in Spain have shown that the endangered birds need a good overlap of predictable feeding sources and home...

Urban coyotes
January 29, 2015

TWS Researchers Track Metropolitan Coyote Habits

Like many young people, she had to find ways to adapt to modern times. She grew up around the Schaumburg, Ill. suburb near the Chicago O’Hare International Airport in the...

January 28, 2015

FWS Plan Proposes Wilderness Protection in Alaska

The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) released its Comprehensive Conservation Plan and final environmental impact statement for the 19 million acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska. The preferred...

Florida Blackbear
January 28, 2015

Florida’s Largest Recorded Black Bear Trapped and Killed

A new neighbor moved into a Seminole County neighborhood in Tallahassee, Florida earlier this month, but he was far from welcome — likely because he was a 740-pound black bear...

January 27, 2015

Nonlethal Management of Predator Damage

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Wildlife Services (WS) program in Montana recently co-sponsored a workshop, Non-lethal Predator Damage Management, in Dillon, Montana. Bringing producers together during this season...

January 27, 2015

Survey Shows Residents Care about Nongame Conservation

Pennsylvania residents are concerned about the management and conservation of nongame wildlife species and support a variety of funding sources, according to a new survey conducted for the Pennsylvania Game...


Duck Stamp
January 27, 2015

TWS Signs Letter in Support of Duck Stamp Funds Allocation

The Wildlife Society and 19 other conservation organization and sportsmen’s groups wrote in support of the recently passed Federal Duck Stamp Act, which will increase the price of duck stamps...

Eagletail Mountain Wilderness AZ
January 26, 2015

Thoughts from the Executive Director

Over the last year I have communicated on various aspects of the Society’s business and the many changes underway to enhance the Society’s value to its members. Last month completed...

January 26, 2015

Yellowhammers: Hero to Invasive Villain in 15 Years

Introducing foreign species into new regions has long been fraught with problems but researchers have found a way to track some of the long-term consequences of the establishment of a...