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Wild Cam: As snow decreases, wolf stomachs rumble

Lower snow levels in Minnesota winters means fewer vulnerable deer for packs to prey on

Read Now December 19, 2024
December 27, 2024

Wondering what wildlifers are reading?

Take a look back at the most read articles from TWS journals in 2024

December 26, 2024

U.S. Senate passes the America’s Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization Act

The bill will reauthorize several key federal conservation programs through 2030

December 26, 2024

High-altitude grasslands are key to conserving Andean bears

Managers should also take into consideration when livestock foraged in these areas

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June 17, 2020

DNA reveals multiple rattler populations in British Columbia

Hundreds of genetic samples have revealed multiple distinct populations of western rattlesnakes in the northern part of their range in British Columbia. “Western Rattlesnakes are currently managed as a single...

June 16, 2020

White-nose fungus found in Montana

Tests have confirmed the presence of the fungus that causes the deadly white-nose syndrome in bats for the first time in Montana. The presence Pseudogymnoascus destructans, or Pd, was confirmed...

June 16, 2020

Northeast Section honors awards recipients

The Northeast Section of The Wildlife Society has presented its 2020 awards in association with the Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. The awards were announced online. NEAFWA and...


June 16, 2020

New parasite seen in wolverines raises human health concerns

A newly discovered Trichinella parasite that can persist in freezing temperatures has been detected in wolverines in Canada and could harm First Nations people, researchers fear. If the wolverines spread...

June 16, 2020

Coronavirus vaccine search runs on horseshoe crab blood

Testing for dangerous bacteria called endotoxins in vaccines and other medicines has long relied on a component in horseshoe crab blood. That includes the search for a vaccine for COVID-19....

June 15, 2020

Urban areas can be ecological traps for black bears

Trash cans and bird seed in people’s yards may provide easy food for roving bears, but new research shows those resources can come at cost. Bears that spend time in...

June 15, 2020

Texas ocelots seek large, unbroken swaths of thornscrub

Endangered ­­­ocelots in South Texas prefer to use unfragmented landscapes. Efforts to conserve the imperiled feline should focus on maintaining large patches of woody cover, particularly on private lands, researchers...

June 15, 2020

Rare white grizzly appearance concerns park officials

Tourists have been abuzz about the appearance of a white grizzly bear since the animal was spotted in April in Banff National Park. But wildlife managers and researchers are concerned...

June 12, 2020

Microplastics detected in birds of prey for first time

For the first time, researchers have detected microplastics in the guts of birds of prey. These tiny particles, which may come from clothes, cosmetics or the breakdown of larger plastics...