The synergistic relationship between bats and prairie dogs
Large numbers of bats hunt around black-tailed prairie dog colonies, and some may even use abandoned burrows as day roosts, recent sound surveys have revealed. Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus)...
Even captive monarchs migrate south
Eastern monarch butterflies kept in captivity still migrate south when they’re released. That could be good news for butterfly-rearing hobbyists and classrooms that raise monarchs as a learning opportunity. Researchers...
Lead poisoning leads to spike in condor deaths
Lead poisoning has contributed to an unusually high number of California condor mortalities this year. The Ventana Wildlife Society, a nonprofit organization involved in restoring the endangered species, reports that...
Wild Cam: Camera collars reveal caribou survival rates in Quebec
Camera collars on adult female caribou have revealed that calf survival is low in the first few months of their lives in northern Quebec. “We know that they are more...
Q&A: How can colonialism hinder ecology?
A colonial mindset can hamper wildlifers’ science or fieldwork in a number of ways without them even realizing it. When Madhusudan Katti and his co-authors recently published a paper examining...
Do newborn mammals dream the world they’re entering?
When a newborn mammal first opens its eyes, it can already make sense of the world around it. If it’s never used its eyes before, how is that possible? In...
Was the gecko a slave ship stowaway?
Long before the pet brought pythons to the Everglades or tegus to South Carolina, species still caught rides on ships that carried them to foreign continents. A common fixture on...
Decades-old sea otter translocations prove successful
Sea otters translocated to new parts of the Pacific half a century ago have mostly burgeoned into healthy, sustaining populations despite having a nearly 90% death rate in some areas...
Two amphibian species can learn to avoid chytrid
Not all amphibians cope the same way with deadly infectious diseases. While some apparently learn how to avoid dangerous exposures, others can be protected using something similar to a vaccination....