Trail cameras detect species better than soil eDNA
But environmental DNA can sometimes catch things that cameras missed

Wildlife Vocalizations: Krysten Schuler
Krysten Schuler discusses her journey to become a wildlife disease ecologist

JWM: What mammals are endemic to the Alexander Archipelago?
Two decades of studies reveal which species are endemic to the archipelago in southeastern Alaska

Polar bears at higher risk of contracting some pathogens
The increased prevalence of the pathogens is some of the most rapid changes in exposure ever reported in the bears

How species find enough food in Yellowstone
Smaller species have different strategies than larger ones

JWM: Lead poses biggest risk to eagles
Researchers looked at lead exposure in 14 birds and 17 mammals

Dogs may be key in detecting CWD infection
Trained dogs may be able to detect a CWD infection in wild and captive cervids

Elephants receive first of its kind vaccine
A female 40-year-old received an mRNA vaccine against a herpesvirus

Mexican heat wave is killing howler monkeys
Temperatures are so high, the monkeys are falling from the trees