Novel Collars Aid in Assessing Disease Risks


The ability to accurately measure and detect contact between two or more animals is critical to understanding disease transmission risks. In order to collect more accurate contact data among white-tailed deer, researchers at the USDA Wildlife Services’ National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) built a deer-borne contact detection system (DCDS) consisting of cameras and proximity loggers installed on global position system (GPS) collars. To ensure the DCDS did not alter the behavior of the deer, researchers conducted a preliminary evaluation of potential stress on deer as a result of the device and monitored the deer for five hours immediately following the placement of collars.

Twenty-six adult male deer were fitted with DCDS collars to record their locations, proximity to other equipped deer, and video of deer interactions in southern Texas. From 17 of the 26 collars, researchers documented 16 contacts with GPS, 33 with cameras, and 61 with proximity loggers, resulting in estimated mean daily contact rates of 0.12, 0.29, and 0.66, respectively. Cameras and GPS underrepresented contacts among deer, whereas proximity loggers provided credible estimates for disease modeling.

“The results underscore the importance of accurate detection and contact rates when modeling disease transmission risks,” notes NWRC supervisory research wildlife biologist Dr. Kurt VerCauteren.

Wildlife Services is a Strategic Partner of The Wildlife Society.

Video: Hundreds of Manatees Overrun Wildlife Refuge


Three hundred manatees staged an invasion of a Florida National Wildlife Refuge, forcing the Three Sisters Springs in Florida’s Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge to close Monday. The manatees likely came from nearby Kings Bay according to a story by Business Insider. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife asked the refuge to close down in order to give the animals space and protect them from potentially boisterous tourists, according to the article.

Indiana Courts Rule on High-Fence Deer Hunting

High Fence Deer Hunting

The Indiana Court of Appeals ruled that the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) does not have the authority to ban high-fence deer hunting. Conservation groups cite concerns about the ethics of fenced hunting and potential disease transmission between wild and captive deer and oppose the controversial practice, which the IDNR halted in 2005. The state legislature is considering two bills that would clarify currently ambiguous rules for regulating hunting of captive wildlife on private lands. The IDNR may appeal to the Indiana Supreme Court to challenge the ruling.

Read more about the ruling in the IndyStar.

Logo Contest for the 2016 Annual Conference Kicks Off

Annual Conference Logos

The North Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society seeks entries for a logo to represent The Wildlife Society’s 23rd Annual Conference to be held in Raleigh, North Carolina in October, 2016.

The logo will be used to identify and advertise The Wildlife Society’s 2016 National Conference. It will be displayed on such things as web sites, t-shirts, banners, and pens.

Design Requirements:

  • Simple
  • 2-3 graphic elements
  • 2-4 colors (with a tie to the conference location)
  • Include the name of the city (Raleigh, North Carolina)
  • Include the organization’s name (The Wildlife Society)
  • Include the year (2016)
  • Include wildlife native to North Carolina
  • Features must be clear even on something as small as a ¾” lapel pen

All entries will become the property of The Wildlife Society. Entries will be judged based on adherence to the design requirements, visual appeal of featured wildlife species, and total aesthetic appeal.

A panel of judges will select the top 3-5 entries. Designers/Artists may be asked to make adjustments before the winner is selected. The Wildlife Society will select the winner using the judges’ recommendations.

The winner will be awarded $500 and will be recognized on the TWS web page.

Deadline for submissions: Monday, March 16, 2015

Submissions: Please submit your logo design in .jpg format attached to an e-mail with your name, full address, and phone number to:

Contest questions may be submitted to:

Mission of The Wildlife Society:

“To inspire, empower, and enable wildlife professionals to sustain wildlife populations and habitats through science-based management and conservation.”

Senate Votes to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline

Bison in Montana

After three weeks of lengthy debate, the Senate voted 62-36 to approve S. 1, a bill allowing construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline by TransCanada. The pipeline would carry crude oil extracted from tar sands in Alberta over the U.S. border and through Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska.

The full text of S. 1 is available and contains amendments approved by Congress. Over the course of the debate, the Senate voted on 41 amendments to the bill, many of which would have had impacts on conservation.

After President Obama announced plans to designate an additional 12.28 million acres of land as wilderness in Alaska, Senator Murkowski (R-AK) introduced an amendment that would restrict agencies like the Fish and Wildlife Service to managing areas as wilderness for a maximum of 1 year before congressional approval is needed. The proposed amendment might have led to relaxed restrictions on oil and gas development in vulnerable areas, like the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge, but did not receive the required 60 votes for approval.

Another amendment would have reauthorized the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), a 50-year program that expires in September, and would have dedicated a percentage of LWCF funds each year to increasing hunting and recreational opportunity on public lands. While substantial support existed for the amendment, it fell one vote short of the threshold required for approval after three senators changed their vote from ‘yea’ to ‘nay.’

Oil sand production is the primary source of the crude oil that Keystone XL would carry; it is not subjected to the same per-barrel tax, which helps to fund oil spill liability accounts, as more traditional oil development. While the Senate approved a measure acknowledging that the loophole that allows oil sands to be exempt from this tax should be closed, other amendments that would change regulations to impose the tax on oil sands were not approved.

One notable amendment included the recognition of the existence of climate change by the Senate. The amendment was approved 98-1.

The bill will proceed to the House for consideration. The White House has stated that the President plans to veto the bill. Congress can overturn presidential vetoes with a two-thirds vote.

Sources: Environment & Energy Daily (February 2, 2015), Environment & Energy Daily (January 29, 2015), E&E News PM (January 29, 2015), Greenwire (January 29, 2015)

Cat Disease Detected in Minks and Muskrats


Don’t let the nickname “cat disease” fool you. A recent study in Champaign, Ill. shows toxoplasmosis, a disease spread by cats, is prevalent in semiaquatic mammals, minks (Neovison vison) and muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) as well.

“Infected cats shed Toxoplasma gondii oocysts in their feces, and these oocysts are picked up by other hosts in the environment,” said Adam Ahlers, University of Illinois graduate student and TWS Associate Wildlife Biologist who led the study published last week in the Journal of Wildlife Diseases. “This is an important finding because animals like muskrats and minks spend most of their time in streams and wetlands and rarely encounter cats, so the parasite is likely transferred via runoff from the surrounding landscape.”

Ahlers and his research team sought out to determine the prevalence of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii in minks and muskrats in order to determine if the parasite is contaminating freshwater watersheds.

“In our region, most of the wetlands have been drained to accommodate agricultural production and urbanization, and natural drainage systems have been altered,” Ahlers said. “With increased tile drainage and loss of natural wetlands, the transfer of T. Gondii oocysts into watersheds from agricultural and urban runoff is likely.”

The researchers predicted that animals positioned in larger watersheds would have higher prevalence rates since they are exposed to drainage from larger areas. Without wetlands to filter out pathogens like T. gondii, the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, rainwater likely flushes T. gondii oocysts into the watershed via altered drainage systems, Ahlers said.

Ahlers and his team tested 30 muskrats and 26 minks for T. gondii antibodies in central Illinois. They found that 77 percent of the minks tested positive for T. gondii and about 60 percent of the muskrats tested were also infected.

“This was really surprising for us because muskrats are tightly linked to the watershed,” Ahlers said. “We think they are picking up the parasite from contaminated runoff originating from agricultural and urban landscapes.”

Ahlers said muskrats in larger watersheds had higher prevalence rates than those positioned in smaller watersheds. Muskrats are herbivores and likely pick up oocysts while drinking, grooming, or foraging on aquatic vegetation, he said. On the other hand, there was no link between minks and their location in relation to watershed. As carnivores, they may become infected by consuming other infected prey, he said.

The T. gondii parasite rarely discriminates against who it infects, and even humans are exposed to it. Once infected, animals can develop unhealthy behavior changes, Ahlers said.

“In mice, toxoplasmosis causes behavioral changes in the individual,” he said. “Mice that have been exposed to toxoplasmosis seek out cat urine. We don’t know for sure what the effects are in muskrats and mink, but with sea otters, we know that survival is reduced.”

In humans, the infection is linked to miscarriage, autism, depression, schizophrenia, increased suicide risk and decreased learning in children, Ahlers said.

“There are definitely human implications,” he said. “Humans can pick up oocysts by eating infected meat, or if they come in contact with contaminated water. There have been instances of freshwater contamination causing T. gondii infection in humans in Canada and in South America.”

With the study’s implications of increased pathogen in watersheds, it’s clear that not only minks and muskrats are affected, but other wildlife as well.

“Removing natural wetland habitats and altering natural drainage systems may play a big role in the spread of diseases like toxoplasmosis,” Ahlers said. “It is likely facilitating the transfer of T. gondii oocysts into freshwater watersheds.”

Spring Bear Hunt in Ontario Yields Lower Numbers

Spring Bear

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry decided to reinitiate a spring bear hunt due to growing public safety concerns about the large population in the province – estimated at as many as 100,000 individuals in the province. However, the Ministry reported only 847 hunters shooting less than 200 bears, which are much lower numbers than what had been historically reported before the hunt’s cancellation. Results of the second year of the hunt, which begins in May, will determine if the hunt is kept or cancelled again.

Read more on CBC News.

Fin Whales and Other Baleens Hear Sounds with Their Bones

Whale bone

Fin whales and other baleen species may not hear each other’s calls through their ears — they may feel it in their bones, according to a new study.

“Bone conduction is likely the predominant mechanism for hearing in fin whales and other baleen whales,” Ted Cranford said in a release. Cranford is a biologist with the San Diego State University and a coauthor of the study released recently in PLOS ONE. “This is, in my opinion, a grand discovery.”

The findings are important to conservation because little has been known about exactly how whales hear the sounds they make across the oceans. That’s until 2003 when a young fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) washed up on a beach in Orange County, Calif., giving researchers the chance to examine the way their skulls absorb sound. They took the dead whale’s skull and put it into a large X-ray CT scanner originally created to examine rocket motors. They found that the low frequency sounds that fin whales use to communicate are amplified by bone conduction.

Whale bone

A look at the left lateral view of the skull bones in a fin whale (Balaenoptera physalis).
Image Credit: Ted W. Cranford and Petr Krysl

Petr Krysl, a University of California, San Diego engineer and another of the researchers involved in the study, said that humans experience something akin to this when hearing underwater. “We have that experience when we submerge entirely in a pool,” he said. “Our ears are useless, but we still hear something because our head shakes under the pushing and pulling of the sound waves carried by the water.”

While the findings could be used by legislators deciding on potential legislations regulating human noise in the oceans caused by boats or underwater construction, for example, Cranford said that the most important part of the study is that it revealed a long-standing mystery about fin whales — a species listed on the Endangered Species Act.

“What our contribution does is give us a window into how the world’s largest animals hear, by an odd mechanism no less,” he said. “This research has driven home one beautiful principle: Anatomic structure is no accident. It is functional, and often beautifully designed in unanticipated ways.”

Krysl said they will now build on this information to see if it is applicable across other baleen species like blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) or minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata). “There is a blueprint for multiple species and it is useful to compare across species to gain insight,” he said.

Apply Now for TWS Leadership Institute!

TWS Leadership Institute Class of 2014

The Wildlife Society’s flagship leadership training program, the Leadership Institute, is now accepting applications for its Class of 2015! Ten to fifteen early-career professionals will receive leadership training, mentoring, and a travel grant to attend TWS’ Annual Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba in October 2015.

Participation in the Institute is geared toward early-career professionals, individuals 2 to 3 years out of school (either undergraduate or graduate school), currently working full-time in a wildlife professional position, and with demonstrated evidence of their leadership potential. Also eligible are more recent graduates who have shown strong evidence of their leadership potential and those who are working while concurrently pursuing a graduate degree. All applicants must be dues-paying members of TWS and a Chapter or Section of TWS. The selection committee will be seeking to create a diverse group with participants of varying gender, ethnic, and regional diversity. Selection will be based upon:

  • An excellent academic record
  • Demonstrated leadership capability or potential
  • Demonstrated level of excellence in current position
  • Commitment to and involvement in TWS

Preference will be given to individuals who are certified as Associate Wildlife Biologists® or Certified Wildlife Biologists®, or who have submitted such an application to TWS.

The application deadline is 27 March 2015.

Learn more here and apply online here.

TWS Comments on Feral Swine Environmental Impact

Feral Swine

The Wildlife Society’s Wildlife Damage Management Working Group has submitted comments to APHIS’s environmental impact statement on feral swine damage management.

Feral swine are a destructive invasive species, which poses a significant threat to natural systems. Feral swine are members of the domestic pig family, which is native to Europe and Asia. The species predates on small mammals, ground-nesting songbirds, and reptiles, in addition to acting as a nest predator for endangered sea turtles and game species like bobwhite quail. Trampling and rooting by feral swine can vastly affect plant communities in areas they have invaded. They can also cause significant economic damage in agricultural landscapes through crop destruction and pose a disease risk to livestock and pets.

The working group, which is composed of experts in wildlife damage, disease, and population management experts, commented on proposed measures of managing feral swine in order to best control populations and prevent new populations from establishing.

TWS has released a Position Statement on feral swine in North America.