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In a UND class, rocket nets, night vision and explosives
In September, University of North Dakota students in Susan Felege’s wildlife management class — many of them TWS student chapter members — attended an 8-hour workshop presented by the Wildlife Services-North Dakota program.
The workshop covered a host of topics including general principles of managing human-wildlife conflicts, pesticide registration and use and management of wildlife hazards at airports.
Felege’s course has a pragmatic and hands-on emphasis, and she alternates the WS presentation with a workshop on fur harvest every other year.
Some of the 28 students, primarily upper-division and graduate students, assisted by setting up and stretching out rocket nets before firing. Several specialized techniques were also demonstrated: night vision and thermal imaging, suppressed weapons, electric fencing and fladry, auditory frightening devices and capture devices, such as the bear culvert trap. The use of high explosives for beaver damage management was also demonstrated.
A final session considered recommendations for entering the damage management field and skills and attitudes important for success.
Header Image: John Paulson directs students in spreading a ricket net during University of North Dakota wildlife management class. ©Wildlife Services