Geographical Location: Mexico

December 14, 2020

TWS2020: Mexican farm trends affect jaguar land use

Jaguars don’t always need pristine, untouched wild areas to get by in parts of central Mexico, but they do need a decent level of vegetation cover. Ongoing surveys in Mexico’s...

November 20, 2020

Rehabilitated jaguar released in Yucatan after car strike

A jaguar struck by a car in Mexico was released into a biological reserve after 100 days of rehabilitation. The animal, hit several months ago, was quickly discovered by a...

November 4, 2020

TWS2020: Exploring the historic trails of Mexican elk

Back when much of what’s now the U.S. Southwest still belonged to Mexico, elk used to roam widely across the region. Researchers are now looking at old diaries, books and...

October 30, 2020

Mexican photographer documents wildlife along the border

The barriers along the U.S.-Mexican border affect different wildlife species in different ways. Mexican photographer Alejandro Prieto has captured the diverse wildlife here in his Border Wall project, which has...

May 14, 2020

Could poaching in Mexico spark another pandemic?

Will Mexico be the site of the next zoonotic pandemic? In a column first published on Mexico Today, Brookings Institution senior fellow Vanda Felbab-Brown warned that the country is vulnerable...

March 17, 2020

Mexico’s wintering monarchs drop by half

Monarch butterfly populations wintering in Mexico have declined 53% since last season, according to recent surveys. Biologists use the acreage of forest they occupy to estimate population changes. The latest...

February 10, 2020

JWM: Museums hold secrets of California’s vanished pronghorn

One hundred years ago, pronghorn roamed the Sonoran Desert in what is now the borderlands between Southern California and northern Baja California in Mexico. Today, they are gone from the...

February 7, 2020

Researchers say Mexican ranch likely source of Ariz. ocelots

A breeding population of ocelots just 30 miles south of the border is likely the source of occasional cat sightings in Arizona, biologists say. The population is the northernmost known...

November 25, 2019

President Gary White promotes TWS at Mexico gathering

After appearing at the National Conference of Wildlife Management and Conservation in Mexico, current TWS President Gary White and Fidel Hernández, president-elect of the TWS Southwest Section, say a Mexico...

September 25, 2019

Geolocators yield conservation clues for migratory birds

Tiny geolocators attached to the backs of golden-winged warblers have shed new light on their migrations and revealed a part of the globe that could be critical to conserving the...