Small Grants Program
Management and Research | Education | Travel | History
Management and Research
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The purpose of the CCTWS Small Grants Program is to encourage projects that promote the wise management and conservation of wildlife in Colorado.
The results of these projects should have direct application to wildlife management and/or research.
- For 2024, the chapter is offering one grant for $1000 to a project that focuses on research and management or a project that focuses on wildlife education occurring in Colorado. One grant will be awarded to a research and management project or one grant will be awarded to an education project. The chapter is accepting applications from both members and student members of the chapter. Student applications must have a letter from their sponsor or faculty advisor authorizing the work. The faculty letter must be included in the application. Grants are awarded annually, therefore, successful applicants must reapply each year for future funding.
- A written proposal should not exceed 2 single-spaced typewritten pages. Text must include contact information, title, a statement of purpose, project objectives, methods, study area, target species and/or audience, project duration, and benefits to wildlife in Colorado. An itemized budget must be included and a literature citations page should be included, if applicable, but do not count toward the page limit. Other sources of support for the project must be identified in the budget.
- Subcontracting is not allowed. Grantees will be expected to obtain any necessary permits.
- The grant may be used for travel (within Colorado) to/from study sites, subsistence (overnight stay) while in the field, equipment and supplies. Salaries and administrative overhead expenses are ineligible. Durable field goods, such as cameras, computers, GPS units, or surveying equipment purchased as a part of the grant award, will become property of the agency/business or university/faculty advisor identified in the letter of support.
- Proposals must be received by November 13, 2024. All proposals are reviewed by a CCTWS advisory committee of natural resource professionals and ranked on the basis of
(a) quality of project, (b) quality of the application (c) meeting the goals of the CCTWS Small Grants Program, and (d) budget needs. With respect to budget needs, on small projects CCTWS seeks to fund projects where our funding contributes significantly to the budget of the project. For large projects, applicants should show that additional sources of financial support have been secured or are likely. Projects submitted by CCTWS members will be given a higher priority. The top proposals from each group will be sent to the executive board for final review. Grants will be awarded by December 8, 2023 and winners are encouraged to present their projects at winter CCTWS meetings. - Project leaders will submit a 1 to 2-page report summarizing the results of the project to the CCTWS executive board. Also, an article summarizing the results of the project must be submitted for inclusion in the Chapter newsletter. Grant recipients are encouraged to do an oral presentation or poster at the annual CCTWS winter meeting. The name of the Chapter should be acknowledged as a financial supporter on any final reports or publications.
- Please email applications to Emily Latta as a Word or PDF document. Or mail them to:
Emily Latta
BLM-Uncompahgre Office
2465 South Townsend Ave
Montrose, CO 81401
Please note, availability of these funds is dependent on the annual budget and if adequate funds exist a call for proposals will be issued in the September CCTWS Newsletter.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The purpose of the CCTWS Small Grants Program is to encourage projects that promote the wise management and conservation of wildlife in Colorado. The results
of these projects should have direct application to wildlife education.
- The grant program consists of one $1000 dollar award for wildlife education work occurring in Colorado. For 2024, the chapter is offering one grant for $1000 for a project that focuses on research and management or a project that focuses on wildlife education. One grant will be awarded to a research and management project or one grant will be awarded to an education project. The chapter is accepting applications from both members and student members of the chapter. Student applications must have a letter from their sponsor or faculty advisor authorizing the work. The faculty letter must be included in the application. Applications must pertain to wildlife specifically, applications on general natural resources or environmental programs will not be accepted. Grants are awarded annually, therefore successful applicants must reapply each year for future funding.
- A written proposal should not exceed 2 single-spaced typewritten pages. Text must include contact information, title, a statement of purpose, project objectives, methods, location, target audience, project duration, and benefits to wildlife in Colorado. An itemized budget must be included and a literature citations page should be included, if applicable, but do not count toward the page limit. Other sources of support for the project must be identified in the budget.
- Subcontracting is not allowed. Grantees will be expected to obtain any necessary permits.
- The grant may be used for travel (within Colorado) to/from study sites, subsistence (overnight stay) while in the field, equipment and supplies. Salaries and administrative overhead expenses are ineligible. Durable field goods, such as cameras, computers, GPS units, or surveying equipment purchased as a part of the grant award, will become property of the agency/business or university/faculty advisor identified in the letter of support.
- Proposals must be received by November 13, 2024. All proposals are reviewed by a CCTWS advisory committee of natural resource professionals and ranked on the basis of
(a) quality of project, (b) quality of the application (c) meeting the goals of the CCTWS Small Grants Program, and (d) budget needs. With respect to budget needs, on small projects CCTWS seeks to fund projects where our funding contributes significantly to the budget of the project. For large projects applicants should show that additional sources of financial support have been secured or are likely. Projects submitted by CCTWS members will be given a higher priority. The top proposals from each group will be sent to the executive board for final review. Grants will be awarded by December 8, 2023
Travel Grant Announcement 2024
CCTWS Travel Grant/Virtual Conference Registration Grant Announcement
The Colorado Chapter of the Wildlife Society is now accepting applications for its Fall Travel Grant Program. The purpose of the CCTWS Travel Grants Program is to assist with travel costs for CCTWS members attending meetings or workshops that further their professional knowledge and benefit management and conservation of wildlife in Colorado. CCTWS will award travel grants ranging from $250$-$1000 to assist with the travel costs associated with attending a conference or attending a virtual conference. CCTWS has a budget of $1000 for fall travel grants. Therefore- one or several grants may be awarded not to exceed a total of $1000. The applications guidelines are as follows:
- Identify the training opportunity, meeting, conference, or virtual conference that would be helpful for your occupation or education as a wildlife professional or student CCTWS member.
- Type up a ½ to 1-page description of the meeting, telling the CCTWS Board the goals of the conference or training and describing how you would like to use this experience for your occupation or education. Be sure to explain how this meeting would be a valuable contribution to your employment or education as a Wildlife Professional.
- Include your name and contact information (phone number and email).
- If seeking assistance for a virtual conference, please include the registration cost
- Only current members of the Colorado Chapter of the Wildlife Society are eligible for these grants.
- Applications for Fall Travel grants are due by September 3rd. Winners will be notified by September 16th.
- Please email applications to Emily Latta as a Word or PDF document. Or mail them to:
Emily Latta
BLM-Uncompahgre Office
2465 South Townsend Ave
Montrose, CO 81401
Please note, availability of these funds is dependent on the annual budget and if adequate funds exist a call for proposals will be issued in the September CCTWS Newsletter.
For 2024, the CCTWS board has awarded travel grants for a total of $1000. Please check back with us next year for travel grant opportunities.