Category: TWS News

April 13, 2018

Colorado students keep busy this spring

The Western State Colorado University Student Chapter is rapidly approaching the end of an unnaturally mild and dry winter in Gunnison and has had a successful first half of the...

April 9, 2018

Hilton offers conference-goers unforgettable experience

Registration for The Wildlife Society’s 25th Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, won’t open until next month, but attendees who want to get a jump on their accommodations should book now...

April 9, 2018

UND advisor helps rebuild student chapter

The University of North Dakota Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society, formed in 1988, participates in numerous activities throughout the year, including wood duck box repairs, surveys at wildlife refuges...

April 6, 2018

Northeast Section releases position on forest management

The Northeast Section of The Wildlife Society has released a new position statement titled Managing for Biodiversity in Northeastern Forests. Approved last month, the statement expresses concern that the effects of...

April 4, 2018

At 102, Wiegers still inspire generations of wildlifers

For many summers in his life, Howard Wiegers led around 20 students as they canoed their way into the Boundary Waters of Ontario to spend some three weeks learning wilderness...

April 3, 2018

TWS, AFS announce logo contest for first-ever joint conference

The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society are seeking design submissions for their first-ever joint conference in 2019. The logo is an important characteristic of this historic event in Reno,...

March 29, 2018

America’s declining wildlife requires a proactive solution, report says

A new report released in collaboration between the National Wildlife Federation, American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society celebrates the amazing diversity of wildlife species in the United States and...

March 27, 2018

TWS supports funding for wetland conservation grants

The Wildlife Society has signed onto a letter alongside hunting, angling and other conservation organizations in support of funding for the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA). This letter, addressed...

March 23, 2018

The newest book from TWS and Johns Hopkins University Press

 Are you thinking about a career with a state wildlife agency or already a seasoned professional working for one?  Either way, this newest book in TWS’ Wildlife Conservation and Management...

March 22, 2018

2018 Annual Conference: Hiking and birding in Northeast Ohio

Don’t forget to pack your binoculars when you come to Cleveland! With it’s location on the shores of Lake Erie, Cleveland provides a great opportunity to check off species on...