Category: TWS News

October 22, 2020

Section honors Prairie Pothole leaders

The Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society has recognized 28 Prairie Pothole project leaders and refuge managers with the Executive Group Achievement Award. This unique award recognizes...

October 20, 2020

TWS2020: Young birds and fire study named top presentation

One species you won’t hear complaining about West Coast wildfires is the black-backed woodpecker. The species relies particularly on recently burned forests in the West, nesting in newly burned trees...

October 19, 2020

TWS2020: River otter surgery project gets top poster award

For most mammals, fitting them with a tracking device means placing a telemetry collar around the neck. Not so with river otters. Their narrow heads allow a collar to slip...

October 19, 2020

Wild Cam: Brown bears prey on sea otters on Alaskan islets

Researchers working in Alaska’s Katmai Coast have discovered a surprising new interaction between mammals on small islands off the coast: grizzly bears are preying on sea otters. This first-of-its-kind discovery...

October 16, 2020

Wildlife Vocalizations: Emily Chavez

Wildlife Vocalizations is a collection of short personal perspectives from people in the field of wildlife sciences. It is going to be uncomfortable to step into the void, to set...

October 16, 2020

TWS2020: How does fragmentation affect flying squirrels?

With their habitat broken up by farms and other land uses, southern flying squirrels have smaller densities in the Midwest, researchers found. “They are isolated by a highly fragmented system,”...

October 15, 2020

The September issue of the Wildlife Society Bulletin

The Wildlife Society Bulletin is a benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published four times annually, it is one of the world’s leading scientific journals covering wildlife science, management...

October 15, 2020

The Wildlife Society comments on Interior’s invasive plan

The Wildlife Society submitted comments on a draft strategic plan released in August by the Department of the Interior, calling it a good foundation but asking for better coordination. The...

October 14, 2020

TWS2020: Tracking pangolins to improve conservation

Researchers are honing wildlife tracking methods to detect pangolins, the world’s most trafficked animals, in an effort to better inform their conservation in Central and West Africa. “There are many...

October 12, 2020

TWS2020: Better understanding locals could decrease poaching in India

A large degree of poaching in central India may come down to a lack of connection between policy makers and the people most affected by wildlife hunting regulations in rural...