Category: Around the Web

October 9, 2020

Fungal disease affects snakes in 19 states and Puerto Rico

A new large-scale snake survey has found that a deadly fungal disease has spread through 19 U.S. states and Puerto Rico. The snake fungal disease Ophidiomycosis is caused by the fungus...

October 8, 2020

Reptiles suffer from lack of regulation in pet trade

Data from trade databases have revealed that thousands of reptiles are being sold and purchased as part of the international pet trade, but few are subject to international regulation. In...

October 7, 2020

Fake turtle eggs with GPS help track poaching

Researchers executed a bait-and-switch maneuver by placing 3D-printed turtle eggs in the clutches of real sea turtle eggs to capture poachers in Costa Rica. The researchers placed 101 fake eggs,...

October 6, 2020

Watch: Tasmanian devils return to mainland after 3,000 years

More than 3,000 years since they died off there, Tasmanian devils have been reintroduced to the Australian mainland. The organization Aussie Ark has released 11 Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) at...

October 5, 2020

Watch: Tracking Indiana bats to their summer grounds

Where do Indiana bats migrate in the spring? Not much has been known about their migration behaviors, and most of that has been gathered from recovering bands. To find out...

September 24, 2020

USFWS prosecutes Florida man for smuggling monitor lizards

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has charged a sixth man involved in the international smuggling of reptiles from the Philippines as part of an investigation by the agency’s law...

September 23, 2020

Can we turn the tide of biodiversity loss by 2050?

Without bold conservation and restoration efforts, researchers say, turning the tide of biodiversity loss by 2050 or earlier won’t be possible. For the first time, researchers looked at what must...

September 22, 2020

Are marine mammals at risk from COVID-19?

Some mammals, including cats, dogs and minks, have contracted COVID-19. That has led researchers to wonder if marine mammals could also be susceptible. Researchers say some marine mammals, including beluga...

September 21, 2020

Gray wolves settle into Isle Royale

Gray wolves (Canis lupus) translocated to Isle Royale National Park in Michigan are forming social groups and territories and mating. And they’re succeeding in reducing the park’s moose (Alces alces)...

September 18, 2020

Sparrows are less cautious around humans with face masks

Sparrows are a little less flighty around humans wearing face masks than those without them on. In a new study published in Global Ecology and Conservation, researchers in China conducted...