Category: Around the Web

August 4, 2022

Darkness may play a key role in healthy ecosystems

Artificial light can be problematic for wildlife. Office lights can send migrating birds flying into the windows of skyscrapers. Turtle hatchlings can follow lights away from the sea instead of...

July 29, 2022

Watch: Rare garden plants bring rare wildlife

Gardens often attract wildlife—whether the gardeners like it or not. And while people often don’t think about wildlife in cities, it turns out that urban gardens often attract more rare...

July 28, 2022

Australian report reveals environmental decline

Australia’s environment continues to decline and degrade due to factors including climate change and resource exploitation, according to the State of the Environment. The report, which occurs every five years,...

July 25, 2022

East Coast experiencing great shearwater die-off

Shearwaters have been washing up on the beach this summer in states along the East Coast of the U.S. Wildlife rehabilitation centers reported great shearwaters (Puffinus gravis) washing up on...

July 22, 2022

Watch: Drone captures footage of rare endangered turtle

A drone has captured extremely rare footage of one of the world’s most endangered turtles in a lake in Vietnam. Swinhoe’s softshell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei), also known as the Yangtze...

July 21, 2022

State parks seek to diversify its visitors

Officials in charge of state parks around the country are trying to attract more diverse visitors. About 75% of visitors to the state and national parks in the U.S. are...

July 20, 2022

Major African conservation congress kicks off this week

Rwanda is hosting Africa’s first congress addressing protecting areas as part of a continental effort to help preserve wild lands and waters in the face of limited conservation budgets. The...

July 19, 2022

Oregon program has traffickers helping researchers understand wildlife crime

A unique program has convicted wildlife traffickers in Oregon working with researchers to understand why people commit wildlife crimes. The conditions of their sentences involve community service with University of...

July 18, 2022

Researchers uncover two new species of scrub jay

A study finds that two groups of scrub jays—one in Mexico and one in Texas—deserve status as independent species. According to the paper, appearing in Systematic Biology, genetic sequencing collected...

July 15, 2022

Report outlines the world’s use of animals and plants

About 50,000 species of wild animals and plants benefit billions of people around the world, according to a recent international report, but the growing global biodiversity crisis threatens those contributions....