Category: Around the Web

March 7, 2023

Preserving evolutionary history

A new metric focuses on prioritizing species conservation based on maintaining their evolutionary history

March 6, 2023

Cat personality may be linked to tendency to prey on wild animals

Dominant, less extroverted felines are less likely to bring back dead animals to their owners

March 3, 2023

Where extinct in the wild species fit into conservation

Species that only exist in places like zoos and aquariums are often left out of conservation assessments

March 2, 2023

Bee-friendly planting increases diversity, abundance

Pollinators respond well to effort in North Carolina to improve habitat around farms

March 1, 2023

Islands suffer from reptile loss

When reptiles are lost on islands, so are their ecosystem services

February 28, 2023

COVID lockdowns brought tigers closer to roads

GPS-collared male and female tigers responded differently to the lockdown

February 27, 2023

Can scientist bring back the dodo?

A “de-extinction Company” plans to genetically engineer the extinct Mauritian bird

February 24, 2023

Watch: Boosting bighorn numbers in Oregon

Biologists are monitoring an important California bighorn sheep population

February 23, 2023

Project seeks to protect Cayman Island sea turtles from climate impacts

The effort will seek ways to aid the turtles and the coastal areas they occupy

February 21, 2023

Scent-trained dogs can detect chronic wasting disease

Canines could help manage the spread of a deadly prion disease