Category: Around the Web

September 8, 2023

Mass bison kill in 1800s has lasting legacy on Indigenous people

Extirpation of bison from large parts of their former range affected more than the ecology

September 6, 2023

Large national parks bolster surrounding ecosystems

Two studies show the ways that protected areas improve the natural world outside their borders

September 5, 2023

Bird diversity drops where cities heat up

Pavement and heat-retaining buildings may push higher bird diversity to the greener suburbs

September 1, 2023

Maine’s puffins on upward swing

Populations have been rising after a tough breeding season in 2021

August 30, 2023

New wolf pack ID’d in California

The wolves are 200 miles away from the nearest known pack

August 29, 2023

Grassland bird numbers are falling

The declines are steeper than in any other bird type

August 28, 2023

White-nose syndrome takes a toll on Texas bats

The deadly disease was first detected in the state in 2020

August 25, 2023

Yellowstone lays out bison management options

The park is revising how to handle bison that roam outside its boundaries

August 24, 2023

Massive Louisiana wetlands project gets underway

$2.9 billion Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion seeks to rebuild miles of lost land and marshes

August 22, 2023

After losing flockmates, sparrows move on

Social interaction seems tied to the birds’ choice of wintering grounds