Category: Around the Web

July 29, 2019

Grizzly pair moved to boost small Montana population

A pair of young grizzlies (Ursus arctos) have been translocated to help establish a grizzly population in Montana’s Cabinet Mountains and Yaak River ecosystem. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks captured...

July 26, 2019

Watch: ‘Smart Nest Box’ peeks into birds’ hidden lives

Watching the boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) arrive and depart from the nest box, it’s easy to feel like you’re watching an episode of “Big Brother” for owls. It appears. It...

July 25, 2019

Condor recovery reaches hatchling milestone

A California condor chick that hatched in a nest on a cliff in Zion National Park became a milestone for the efforts to recover the endangered species. It received the...

July 24, 2019

Fungus forces cicadas to mate to death

A fungus that attacks dormant cicadas puts males into a mating frenzy that helps the parasite jump between hosts, researchers have found. Cicadas encounter the fungus Massopora during the 13...

July 23, 2019

Is the future of biodiversity in the cards?

The Phylo trading card game has become popular since its launch in 2010, but researchers found it can it also be an effective teaching tool. The game works like Pokémon,...

July 22, 2019

Method eliminates dangerous mosquitos, spares other species

Researchers from Michigan State University and Sun Yat-Sen University in China have developed a novel approach to eliminating a mosquito that spreads viruses including dengue fever and Zika. The team...

July 19, 2019

Watch: Wildlife managers catch scrub lizards for translocation

Wildlife managers are scrambling around in the bushes in an effort to help a struggling Florida lizard regain some of its lost territory. Kevin Enge, an associate research scientist with...

July 18, 2019

Report looks at health of grassland birds

A study by the Audubon Society found 42% of grassland birds are highly vulnerable to climate change. For many species, the areas they currently occupy will likely change dramatically, the...

July 17, 2019

Breeder deer aren’t private property, Texas appeals court rules

A Texas appeals court has ruled that breeder deer are not private property, making them subject to state laws designed to limit the spread of chronic wasting disease from captive...

July 16, 2019

USFWS delays request to poison mice on Farallon Islands

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has temporarily withdrawn a request to use toxicants to eliminate invasive mice from the Farallon Islands off the coast of California. The agency pulled...