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Canadian government lists Algonquin wolf as threatened species
This June, Canada changed the status of the Algonquin wolf from “species of special concern” to “threatened”, increasing government protection for the fewer than 500 Algonquin wolves that currently live in Ontario. Threatened status prohibits harming and harassing the wolves, and makes hunting them illegal.
However, some question the effectiveness of these new protections due to similarities between the Algonquin wolf and other species in the area. It is nearly impossible to distinguish between Algonquin wolves and coyotes without conducting a genetic test. This means that the newly protected wolves may still be in danger from hunters who mistake them for coyotes – which are legal to hunt. According to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, hunting and trapping are the greatest threat to these wolf populations.
You can learn more about the Algonquin wolf and its recently updated status at Learn about Canada’s Species At Risk Act by reading TWS’ Policy Brief Series.
Header Image: Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada is home to Algonquin wolves. ©Group f/64