Adenovirus Hemorrhagic Disease confirmed in BC deer

The British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development has confirmed the first case of Adenovirus Hemorrhagic Disease in BC deer. Usually fatal, the disease can cause deer to experience difficulty breathing, foam or drool from the mouth, have diarrhea and experience seizures. Other symptoms can include ulcers and abscesses in the mouth and throat. Young animals are the most susceptible, particularly black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus).

The ministry began investigating the appearance of the disease Oct. 2 and confirmed occurrences in Maple Bay and on the Gailano and Mayne Islands. While there is no known human health risk, officials are warning hunters not to consume meat from animals found dead, ill or acting abnormally.

Read more from KelownaNow.


Header Image: Black-tailed deer are particularly susceptible to Adenovirus Hemorrhagic Disease. Credit: Allan Harris