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2024 TWS Elections: Canadian Representative
This year’s nominees for Canadian Representative to TWS Council are Al Arsenault and Dennis Brannen
The ballot for The Wildlife Society’s 2024 elections includes nominees for the position of Canadian Representative to TWS Council.
Electronic ballots will be sent May 29 to all members with an email address. Members without an email address will receive a paper ballot in the mail. Voting will close June 30. Mailed paper ballots must be postmarked on or before June 30. In accordance with TWS’ Bylaws, newly elected council members are scheduled to be installed at the next regular meeting of Council during the 31st Annual Conference, Oct. 19-23, in Baltimore, MD.
The candidates’ statements expressing their vision for The Wildlife Society and their interest in running for this council position are below.
The Canadian Voting District includes all TWS members who reside in these geographic areas: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon Territory
Al Arsenault
Throughout my career as a wildlife biologist, I’ve remained committed to life-long learning and service to wildlife conservation and to TWS in whatever capacity I could as a member, at the working group, chapter, section, and parent society levels. Professionalism and promotion of our organization is a means of demonstrating credibility of our trademarked professional designations (AWB® and CWB®) so that members with these designations are recognized by industry, academia, ENGOs, and governments at all levels as the preeminent authority on wildlife science, management, and conservation. In service to TWS, I’ve strived to elevate recognition of TWS professional designations in Canada. I envision TWS professional designations to be highly valued and sought after by wildlife professionals in our organization as a career goal to achieve, one that nurtures commitment to high ethical and professional standards in wildlife science, conservation, and management. To this end, my goals are: 1) continued development of the Canadian Section and TWS Parent Society as an organization that serves an important and positive influential role in management and conservation forums in North America, 2) to foster significant and substantive contributions by our members that ensure sustainable wildlife populations in healthy ecosystems through professional collaboration, discovery, science-based management, and conservation; (3) to foster a TWS culture of lifetime continued learning and professionalism; 4) to encourage students and early career wildlife professionals to become active members and leaders of the wildlife profession; and 5) to recognize and celebrate the contributions and professionalism of our mid and late career members.
Read Al Arsenault’s complete biographical sketch here.
Dennis Brannen
Over the past twenty-one years, I have had extensive experience working in various government settings that has included various fieldwork settings with the last fifteen years focused on Species at Risk management. I am a professional certified wildlife biologist. What first drew me to this profession was the opportunity to make a meaningful difference for wildlife, to work outdoors, travel, and work with others as part of a productive team. My passion for wildlife has greatly influenced my work ethic. The Wildlife Society has provided me with a great opportunity to network with other wildlife professionals that has led to lifelong friendships. Having the opportunity to help in a small way guide the Canadian Section to becoming a larger voice for Canadian wildlife has been an honor and privilege. I look forward to furthering the voice of wildlife professionals as stewards of Canadian wildlife.