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Diefenbach elected Northeast representative to Council
Members in the Northeast district of The Wildlife Society have elected Duane Diefenbach as their new representative to TWS Council. Thanks to Diefenbach and Tim Green, who also ran in a special election for the seat, which was vacated by Valorie Titus when she moved out of the district.
Here is Diefenbach’s statement expressing his vision for The Wildlife Society and his interest in running for Council:
“Wildlife and wild places need a voice that speaks to science and can advocate for actions that are most likely to meet society’s goals and objectives. The Wildlife Society plays a critical role in conservation because it is a professional organization that can advocate for wildlife. Many of our members inform policy through their research and management activities and rely on TWS to make sure that the best available science is shared with policy makers. To be successful TWS needs to anticipate the needs of its members and the issues facing wildlife while recognizing that it will only persist while it is relevant to society. TWS has been an important part of my career and as a member of Council I would appreciate the opportunity to contribute to its future through the support of current and future wildlife professionals.”
Read more about the special election and Diefenbach’s candidacy here.