2024 TWS Elections: Southwest Representative  

This year’s nominees for Southwest Representative to TWS Council are Kathy Granillo and Erika Nowak

The ballot for The Wildlife Society’s 2024 elections includes nominees for the position of Canadian Representative to TWS Council.

Electronic ballots will be sent May 29 to all members with an email address. Members without an email address will receive a paper ballot in the mail. Voting will close June 30. Mailed paper ballots must be postmarked on or before June 30. In accordance with TWS’ Bylaws, newly elected council members are scheduled to be installed at the next regular meeting of Council during the 31st Annual Conference, Oct. 19-23, in Baltimore, MD.

The candidates’ statements expressing their vision for The Wildlife Society and their interest in running for this council position are below.

The Southwest Voting District includes all TWS members who reside in these geographic areas: Arizona, Costa Rica, Mexico, New Mexico, Texas


Kathy Granillo

I have been active in The Wildlife Society for over 30 years, with most of that time spent in the Southwest. The wildlands, wildlife and wildlife professionals of this area are near and dear to my heart. I am the current Southwest Representative to Council (2021-2024) and I am seeking a second term. I believe I have accomplished much in my first term and that it has prepared me to do even more in a second term. I am actively involved in crafting the new Strategic Plan for TWS and want to help implement that plan over the next few years. I have helped shape the future of TWS through my work on the Diversity Committee, the Position Statements Committee, and as Council Liaison to the IDEA Working Group and the Climate Change and Wildlife Working Group. I strive to represent the Southwest geographic area by attending and presenting at the Texas Chapter annual conferences, and the Joint annual meetings of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters. I sit in on chapter and section board meetings and stay in touch with members via the various newsletters and through email and phone calls. My priorities include focusing on better communication between scientists and managers; involving youth and minorities in conservation and science, and encouraging wildlife professionals to stay engaged and educated about our rapidly changing world and the impacts on wildlife and the places they live.

Read Kathy Granillo’s complete biographical sketch here.

Erika Nowak

This is my first time running as a candidate for TWS SW Section Representative. I understand the workings of the Section fairly well by virtue of being your treasurer for the past few years and through my interactions with other board members. Truthfully, though, Kathy Granillo has much more experience with this position, and her long-standing support of the Section inspires me. I hope to learn from her until such time as she decides to leave the position. At that time, in addition to whatever the Section asks of me, I’d like to help the Section increase its support (logistical and financial) of international chapter members, for example by encouraging virtual and in-person attendance at regional and national meetings.

Read Erika Nowak’s complete biographical sketch here.


Header Image: The ballot for The Wildlife Society’s 2024 elections include two nominees for Southwest Representative to TWS Council. Credit: Giuseppe Milo