The Society’s Wildlife Publication Awards recognize excellence in scientific literature of wildlife biology and management issued within the last three years. The publications selected are characterized by originality of research or thought and a high scholastic standard in the manner of presentation.  Six categories of research or management-oriented publications are eligible for awards: book, edited book, article/journal paper, monograph, student paper, and biography/history of wildlife biology. Fishery publications are excluded since these are the prerogative of the American Fisheries Society.

The first Wildlife Publication Award was presented in 1940, just three years after the founding of The Wildlife Society.


Each year, works published during the prior three years are eligible to be considered for the award. To nominate a publication for consideration, click here to learn about the criteria and the nomination process.

Nominations must be submitted each year by March 1 at 11:59 PM EST.


Authored Book – Sexual Segregation in Ungulate: Ecology, Behavior, and Conservation. 2022. R. Terry Bowyer. John Hopkins University Press.

Edited Book – Wildlife Stewardship on Tribal Lands: Our Place Is in Our Soul. 2023. Edited by Serra J. Hoagland and Steven Albert. John Hopkins University Press.

Student paper – Hofstadter et al. 2022. Arresting the spread of invasive species in continental systems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20:278–284.

Student paper – Kuntze et al. 2023. Landscape heterogeneity provides co-benefits to predator and prey. Ecological Applications 33:e2908.

Journal Article – Inman et al. 2023 Dispersal limitations increase vulnerability under climate change for reptiles and amphibians in the southwestern United States. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22317.

Monograph – Smith et al. 2023. Response of greater sage‐grouse to sagebrush reduction treatments in Wyoming big sagebrush. Wildlife Monographs 212:e1075.
Book: Michael R. Conover and Denise O. Conover. Human-Wildlife Interactions: From Conflict to Coexistence. 2nd EditionEdited Book: Christine L. Madliger, Craig E. Franklin, Oliver P. Love, and Steven J. Cooke. Conservation Physiology: Applications for Wildlife Conservation and Management.Article/Journal Paper: Clayton T. Lamb, Roland Willson, Carmen Richter, Naomi Owens-Beek, Julian Napoleon, Bruce Muir, R. Scott McNay, Estelle Lavis, Mark Hebblewhite, Line Giguere, Tamara Dokkie, Stan Boutin, and Adam T. Ford. 2022. Indigenous-led conservation: Pathways to recovery for the nearly extirpated Klinse-Za mountain caribou. Ecological Applications.

Monograph: Gregory H. Golet, Kristen E. Dybala, Matthew E. Reiter, Kristin A. Sesser, Mark Reynolds, and Rodd Kelsey. 2022. Shorebird food energy shortfalls and the effectiveness of habitat incentive programs in record wet, dry, and warm years. Ecological Monographs.

Student Paper: Ana Miller-ter Kuile, Devyn Orr, An Bui, Rodolfo Dirzo, Maggie Klope, Douglas McCauley, Carina Motta, and Hillary Young. 2020. Impacts of rodent eradication on seed predation and plant community biomass on a tropical atoll. Biotropica.

The Wildlife Professional Best Contributed Article: Mary M. Rowland, Michael J. Wisdom, Darren A. Clark, Bruce K. Johnson. 2022. A Legacy of Science and Partnerships: For over 25 years, the Starkey Project has conducted policy-shaping research on deer and elk.

Book: Morrison, M., L. Brennan, B. Marcot, W. Block, and K. McKelvey. 2021. Applications for Advancing Animal Ecology. Johns Hopkins University Press, MD.Edited Book: Downs, C. and L. Hart, eds. 2020. Invasive Birds: Global Trends and Impacts. CAB International, Boston, MA.Biography/History of Wildlife Biology: Penn, B. 2015. The Real Thing: The Natural History of Ian McTaggart Cowan. Rocky Mountain Books Ltd., Victoria, BC, Canada.

Article/Journal Paper: Wiens, D., K. Dugger, M. Higley, D. Lesmeister, A. Franklin, K. Hamm, G. White, K. Dilione, D. Simon, R. Bown, P. Carlson, C. Yackulic, J. Nichols, J. Hines, R. Davis, D. Lamphear, C. McCafferty, T. McDonald, and S. Sovern. 2021. Invader removal triggers competitive release in a threatened avian predator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118.

Monograph: Tinker, M., J. Bodkin, L. Bowen, B. Ballachey, G. Bentall, A. Burdin, H. Coletti, G. Esslinger, B. Hatfield, M. Kenner, K. Kloecker, B. Konar, K. Miles, D. Monson, M. Murray, B. Weitzman, and J. Estes. 2021. Sea otter population collapse in southwest Alaska: assessing ecological covariates, consequences, and causal factors. Ecological Monographs 91.

Student Paper: Hobart, B., G. Jones, K. Roberts, B. Dotters, S. Whitmore, W. Berigan, M. Raphael, J. Keane, R.J. Gutiérrez, and Z. Peery. Trophic interactions mediate the response of predator populations to habitat change. Biological Conservation

Book: Sale, R. 2020. The Common Kestrel. Snowfinch Publishing, UK.Edited Book: Smith, D. W., D. R. Stahler, and D. R. MacNulty, eds. 2020. Yellowstone Wolves: Science and Discovery in the World’s First National Park. University of Chicago Press, IL.Article/Journal Paper: Kramer, G. R., D. E. Andersen, D. A. Buehler, P. B. Wood, S. M. Peterson, J. A. Lehman, K. R. Aldinger, L. P. Bulluck, S. Harding, J. A. Jones, J. P. Loegering, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, and H. M. Streby. 2018. Population Trends in Vermivora Warblers Are Linked to Strong Migratory Connectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Monograph: Berry, K. H., J. L. Yee, T. A. Shields, and L. Stockton. 2020. The Catastrophic Decline of Tortoises at a Fenced Natural Area. Wildlife Monographs

Student Paper: Wilkinson, C. E., A. McInturff, J. R. B. Miller, V. Yovovich, K. M. Gaynor, K. Calhoun, H. Karandikar, J. V. Martin, P. Parker-Shames, A. Shawler, A. Van Scoyoc, and J. S. Brashares. 2020. An Ecological Framework for Contextualizing Carnivore–Livestock Conflict. Conservation Biology

Book: Ruth, T., P. Buotte, and M. Hornocker. 2019. Yellowstone Cougars: Ecology Before and during Wolf Restoration. University Press of Colorado, Louisville, CO.Edited Book: VerCauteren, K., J. Beasley, S. Ditchkoff, J. Mayer, G. Roloff, and B. Strickland, editors. Invasive Wild Pigs in North America: Ecology, Impacts, and Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Suraci, J.P., M. Clinchy, L.Y. Zanette, and C.C Wilmers. 2019. Fear of humans as apex predators has landscape-scale impacts from mountain lions to mice. Ecology Letters

Monograph: van de Kerk, M., D.P. Onorato, J.A. Hostetler, B.M. Bolker, and M.K. Oli. 2019. Dynamics, persistence, and genetic management of the endangered Florida panther population. Wildlife Monographs 203

Book: Masterov, V., M. Romanov, and R. Sale. 2018. Steller’s Sea Eagle. Snowfinch Publishing, UK.Edited Book: Kauffman, M., J. Meacham, H. Sawyer, A. Steingisser, W. Rudd, and E. Ostlind, editors. 2018. Wild Migrations: Atlas of Wyoming’s Ungulates. Oregon State University Press, Corvalis, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Gilbert, S., K. Sivy, C. Pozzanghera, A. DuBour, K. Overduijn, M. Smith, J. Zhou, J. Little, and L. Prugh. 2017. Socioeconomic benefits of large carnivore recolonization through reduced wildlife-vehicle collisions. Conservation Letters 10: 431-439.

Monograph: Gibson, D., E. Blomberg, M. Atamian, S. Espinosa, and J. Sedinger. 2018. Effects of power lines on habitat use and demography of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Wildlife Monographs 200: 1-41.

Book: Adams, C. E. 2016. Urban Wildlife Management. Third Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.Edited Book: Haukos, D. A., and C. W. Boal, editors. 2016. Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Lamb, C. T., G. Mowat, B. McLellan, S. E. Nielsen, and S. Boutin. 2017. Forbidden fruit: human settlement and abundant fruit create an ecological trap for an apex omnivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 55-65.

Monograph: Reynolds, R. T., J. S. Lambert, C. H. Flather, G. C. White, B. J. Bird, L. S. Baggett, C. Lambert, and S. B. De Volo. 2017. Long-term demography of the northern goshawk in a variable environment. Wildlife Monographs 197: 1-40.

2017Book: Mallon, D. and T. McCarthy. 2016. Snow Leopards. Academic Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.Edited Book: Andersen, D. E., D. A. Buehler, and H. M. Streby, editors. 2017. Golden-winged Warbler Ecology, Conservation, and Habitat Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Serrouya, R., M. J. Wittmann, B. N. McLellan, H. U. Wittmer, and S. Boutin. 2015. Using predator-prey theory to predict outcomes of broadscale experiments to reduce apparent competition. American Naturalist 185:665-677.

Monograph: Wiens, J. D., R. G. Anthony, and E. D. Forsman. 2014. Competitive interactions and resource partitioning between northern spotted owls and barred owls in western Oregon. Wildlife Monographs 185: 1-50.

2016Book: Conover, M. R. and R. M. Vail. 2015. Human Diseases from Wildlife. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.Edited Book: van der Ree, R., D. J. Smith, and C. Grilo, editors. 2015. Handbook of Road Ecology. Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Winder, V. L., K. M. Carrlson, A. J. Gregory, C. A. Hagen, D. A. Haukos, D. C. Kessler, L. C. Larsson, T. W. Matthews, L. B. McNew, M. A. Patten, J. C. Pitman, L. A. Powell, J. A. Smith, T. Thompson, D. H. Wolfe, and B. K. Sandercock. 2015. Factors affecting female space use in ten populations of prairie chickens. Ecosphere 6(9): 166.

Monograph: Monteith, K. L., R. A. Long, V. C. Bleich, J. R. Heffelfinger, P. R. Krausman, and R. T. Bowyer. 2013. Effects of harvest, culture, and climate on trends in size of horn-like structures in trophy ungulates. Wildlife Monographs 183:1-27.

2015Book: Baldassarre, G. 2014. Ducks, Geese and Swans of North America. Two Volumes. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.Edited Book: Sands, J. P., S. J. DeMaso, M. J. Schnupp, and L. A. Brennan, editors. 2012. Wildlife Science: Connecting Research with Management. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Engen, S., R. Lande, and B.-E. Saether. 2014. Evolutionary consequences of nonselective harvesting in density-dependent populations. American Naturalist 184:714-726.

Monograph: Monteith, K. L., V. C. Bleich, T. R. Stephenson, B. M. Pierce, M. M. Conner, J. G. Kie, and R. T. Bowyer. 2014. Life-history characteristics of mule deer: Effects of nutrition in a variable environment. Wildlife Monographs 186:1-61.

2014Book: Dodd, C. K., Jr. 2013. Frogs of the United States and Canada. Two Volumes. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.Edited Book: Silvy, N. J., editor. 2012. The Wildlife Techniques Manual. Two Volumes. 7th Edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.Article/Journal Paper: McNew, L. B., A. J. Gregory, S. M. Wisely, and B. K. Sandercock. 2012. Demography of greater prairie-chickens: Regional variation in vital rates, sensitivity values, and population dynamics. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:987-1000.

Monograph: Millsap, B. A., T. F. Breen, and L. M. Phillips. 2013. Ecology of the Cooper’s hawk in north Florida. North American Fauna 78:1-58.

2013Book: Sterling, I. 2011. Polar Bears: The Natural History of a Threatened Species. Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited, Markham, Ontario, Canada.Edited Book: Hewitt, D. G., editor. 2011. Biology and Management of White-tailed Deer. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Reding, D. M., A. M. Bronikowski, W. E. Johnson, and W. R. Clark. 2012. Pleistocene and ecological effects on continental-scale genetic differentiation in the bobcat (Lynx rufus). Molecular Ecology 21:3078-3093.

Monograph: Hurley, M. A., J. W. Unsworth, P. Zager, M. Hebblewhite, E. O. Garton, D. M. Montgomery, J. R. Skalski, and C. L. Maycock. 2011. Demographic response of mule deer to an experimental reduction of coyotes and mountain lions in southeastern Idaho. Wildlife Monographs 178:1-33.

2012Book: Forsman, E. D., R. G. Anthony, K. M. Dugger, E. M. Glenn, A. B. Franklin, G. C. White, C. J. Schwarz, K. P. Burnham, D .R. Anderson, J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, J. B. Lint, R. J. Davis, S. H. Ackers, L. S. Andrews, B. L. Biswell, P. C. Carlson, L. V. Diller, S. A. Gremel, D. R. Herter, J. M. Higley, R. B. Horn, J. A. Reid, J. Rockweit, J. P. Schaberl, T. J. Snetsinger, and S. G. Sovern. 2011. Population Demography of Northern Spotted Owls. Studies in Avian Biology No. 40. Cooper Ornithological Society.Edited Book: Knick, S. T. and J. W. Connelly, editors. 2011. Greater Sage-Grouse: Ecology and Conservation of a Landscape Species and its Habitats. Studies in Avian Biology No. 38. Cooper Ornithological Society.Article/Journal Paper: Kie, J. G., J. Matthiopoulos, J. Fieberg, R. A. Powell, F. Cagnacci, M. S. Mitchell, J.-M. Gaillard, and P. R. Moorcroft. 2010. The home range concept: Are traditional estimators still relevant with modern telemetry technology? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 365:2221-2231.

Monograph: Litt, A. R. and R. J. Steidl. 2011. Interactive effects of fire and nonnative plants on small mammals in grasslands. Wildlife Monographs 176:1-31.

2011Book: Ernst, C. H. and J. E. Lovich. 2010. Turtles of the United States and Canada. Second Edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.Edited Book: Kunz, T. H. and S. Parsons, editors. 2009. Ecological and Behavioral Methods for the Study of Bats. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Beyer, H. L., D. T. Haydon, J. M. Morales, J. L. Frair, M. Hebblewhite, M. Mitchell, and J. Matthiopoulos. 2010. The interpretation of habitat preference metrics under use-availability designs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365:2245-2254.

Monograph: Cohen, J. B., L. M. Houghton, and J. D. Fraser. 2009. Nesting density and reproductive success of piping plovers in response to storm- and human-created habitat changes. Wildlife Monographs 173:1-24.

2010Book: Barboza, P. S., K. L. Parker, and I. D. Hume. 2009. Integrative Wildlife Nutrition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.Edited Book: Hornocker, M. and S. Negri, editors. 2009. Cougar: Ecology and Conservation. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Kendall, K. C., J. B. Stetz, J. Boulanger, A. C. MacLeod, D. Paetkau, and G. White. 2009. Demography and genetic structure of a recovering grizzly bear population. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:3-17.

Monograph: Cain, J. W., III, P. R. Krausman, J. R. Morgart, B. D. Jansen, and M. P. Pepper. 2008. Responses of desert bighorn sheep to removal of water sources. Wildlife Monographs 171:1-32.

2009Book: Guthery, F. S. 2008. A Primer on Natural Resource Science. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas, USA.Edited Book: Manfredo, M. J., K. V. Vaske, P. J. Brown, D. J. Declker, and E. A. Duke, editors. 2008. Wildlife and Society: The Science of Human Dimensions. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA.Article/Journal Paper: Bowyer, R. T. and J. G. Kie. 2006. Effects of scale on interpreting life-history characteristics of ungulates and carnivores. Diversity and Distributions 12:244-257

Monograph: Barber-Meyer, S. M., L. D. Mech, and P. J. White. 2008. Elk calf survival and mortality following wolf restoration to Yellowstone National Park. Wildlife Monographs 169:1-30.

2008Book: Wagner, F. H. 2006. Yellowstone’s Destabilized Ecosystem: Elk Effects, Science, and Policy Conflict. Oxford University Press, New York, New York, USA.Edited Book: Brennan, L. A., editor. 2007. Texas Quails: Ecology and Management. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Lopez, R. R., A. Lopez, R. N. Wilkins, C. C. Torres, R. Valdez, J. G. Teer, and G. Bowser. 2005. Changing Hispanic demographics: challenges in natural resource management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:553–564.

Monograph: Devers, P. K., D. F. Stauffer, G. W. Norman, D. E. Steffen, D. M. Whitaker, J. D. Sole, T. J. Allen, S. L. Bittner, D. A. Buehler, J. W. Edwards, D. E. Figert, S. T. Friedhoff, W. W. Giuliano, C. A. Harper, W. K. Igo, R. L. Kirkpatrick, M. H. Seamster, H. A. Spiker, Jr., D. A. Swanson, and B. C. Tefft. 2007. Ruffed grouse population ecology in the Appalachian Region. Wildlife Monographs 168:1–36.

2007Book: Friend, M. 2006. Disease Emergence and Resurgence: The Wildlife-Human Connection. Circular 1285. National Wildlife Health Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, USA.Edited Book: Amstrup, S. C., T. L. McDonald, and B. F. J. Manly, editors. 2005. Handbook of Capture-Recapture Analysis. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Buskirk, S. W., and J. J. Millspaugh. 2006. Metrics for studies of resource selection. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:358-366.

Monograph: Murray, D. L., E. W. Cox, W. B. Ballard, H. A. Whitlaw, M. S. Lenarz, T. W. Custer, T. Barnett, and T. K. Fuller. 2006. Pathogens, nutritional deficiency, and climate influences on a declining moose population. Wildlife Monographs 166:1-30.

2006Book: Potapov, E. and R. Sale. 2005. The Gyrfalcon. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.Edited Book: Thompson, W. L., editor. 2004. Sampling Rare or Elusive Species: Concepts, Designs, and Techniques for Estimating Population Parameters. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA.Article/Journal Paper: Katnik, D. D. and R. B. Wielgus. 2005. Landscape proportions versus. Monte Carlo simulated home ranges for estimating habitat availability. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:20-32.

Monograph: Guthery, F. S., A. R. Rybak, S. D. Fuhlendorf, T. L. Hiller, S. G. Smith, W. H. Puckett, Jr., and R. A. Baker. 2005. Aspects of the thermal ecology of bobwhites in north Texas. Wildlife Monographs 160:1-36.

2005Book: McCabe, R. W., B.W. O’Gara, and H.M. Reeves. 2004. Prairie Ghost: Pronghorn and Human Interaction in Early America. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, USA.Edited Book: O’Gara, B. W. and J. Yoakum, editors. 2004. Pronghorn Ecology and Management. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Amstrup, S. C., T. L. McDonald, and G.M. Durner. 2004. Using satellite radiotelemetry data to delineate and manage wildlife populations. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32: 661-679.

Monograph: Zwickel, F. C., and J. F. Bendell. 2004. Blue Grouse: Their Biology and Natural History. National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

2004Book: Smith, L. M. 2003. Playas of the Great Plains. University of Texas Press, Austin, USA.Edited Book: Mech, L. D. and L. Boitani, editors. 2003. Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Article/Journal Paper: DeYoung, R. W., S. Demarais, R. L. Honeycutt, A. P. Rooney, R. A. Gonzales, and K. L. Gee. 2003. Genetic consequences of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) restoration in Mississippi. Molecular Ecology 12:3237-3252.

Monograph: Bowyer, R. T., G. M. Blundell, M. Ben David, S. C. Jewett, T. A. Dean, and L. K. Duffy. 2003. Effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on river otters: Injury and recovery of sentinel species. Wildlife Monographs 153:1-53.

2003Book: Conover, M. 2002. Resolving Human-Wildlife Conflicts: The Science of Wildlife Damage Management. CRC Press/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.Edited Book: Toweill, D. E. and J. W. Thomas, editors. 2002. North American Elk: Ecology and Management. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., USA.Article/Journal Paper: Kie, J. G., R. T. Bowyer, M. C. Nicholson, B. B. Boroski, and E. R. Loft. 2002. Landscape heterogeneity at differing scales: Effects on spatial distribution of mule deer. Ecology 83:530-544.

Monograph: Diaz, N. I. and J. A. Smith-Flueck. 2000. The Patagonian Huemul: A mysterious deer on the brink of extinction. L.O.L.A. Monograph 3, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2002 Book: Logan, K. A. and L. L. Sweanor. 2001. Desert Puma: Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation of an Enduring Carnivore. Island Press, Covelo, California, USA.Edited Book: Maehr, D. S., R. F. Noss, and J. L. Larkin, editors. 2001. Large Mammal Restoration: Ecological and Sociological Challenges in the 21st Century. Island Press, Covelo, California, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Ballard, W. B., Jr., D. Lutz, T. W. Keegan, L. H. Carpenter, and J. C. deVos, Jr. 2001. Deer-predator relationships: a review of recent North American studies with emphasis on mule and black-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:99-115.
2001Book: Johnson, C. W., G. Bentrup, D. Rol, and T. C. Edwards. 1999. Conservation Corrider Planning at the Landscape Level: Managing for Wildlife Habitat. Part 190, National Biology Handbook. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service; Watershed Science Institute, and Wildlife Habitat Management Institute.Edited Book: Murkin, H. R., A. G. van der Valk, and W. R. Clark, editors. 2000. Prairie Wetland Ecology: The Contribution of the Marsh Ecology Research Program. Iowa State University Press, Ames, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Henke, S. E. and F. C. Bryant. 1999. Effects of coyote removal on the faunal community in western Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 63:1066-1081.

Monograph: Franklin, A. B., D. R. Anderson, R. J. Gutierrez, and K. P. Burnham. 2000. Climate, habitat quality, and fitness in northern spotted owl populations in northwestern California. Ecological Monographs 70: 539-590.

2000Book: Haven, S. 1999. Waterfowl of Illinois: Status and Management. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 21.Edited Book: Demarais, S. and P. R. Krausman, editors. 2000. Ecology and Management of Large Mammals in North America. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle, New Jersey, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Johnson, D. H. 1999. The insignificance of statistical testing. Journal of Wildlife Management 63:763-772.

Monograph: Cook, J. G., L. L Irwin, L. D Bryant, R. A. Riggs, and J. W. Thomas. 1998. Relations of forest cover and condition of elk: A test of the thermal cover hypothesis in summer and winter. Wildlife Monographs 141:1-61.

1999Book: Petranka, J. E. 1998. Salamanders of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., USA.Edited Book: Kuntz, T. H. and P. A. Racey, editors. 1998. Bat Biology and Conservation. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., USA.Article/Journal Paper: Best, L. B., H. Campa, III, K. E. Kemp, R. J. Robel, M. R. Ryan, J. A. Savidge, H. P. Weeks, Jr., and S. R. Winterstein. 1997. Bird abundance and nesting in CRP fields and cropland in the Midwest: A regional approach. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:864-877.

Monograph: Sample, D. W. and M. J. Mossman. 1997. Managing habitat for grassland birds: a guide for Wisconsin. Bureau of Integrated Science Services, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, USA.

1998Book: Byers, J. A. 1997. American Pronghorn. Social Adaptations and the Ghosts of Predators Past. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Edited Book: Franzmann, A. W. and C.C. Schwartz, editors. 1997. Ecology and Management of the North American Moose. Wildlife Management Institute and Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., USA.Article/Journal Paper: Rempel, R. S., P. C. Elkie, A. R. Rodgers, and M. J. Gluck. 1997. Timber-management and natural-disturbance effects on moose habitat: landscape evaluation. Journal of Wildlife Management 61:517-524.

Monograph: Bleich, V. C., R. T. Bowyer, and J. D. Wehausen. 1997. Sexual segregation in mountain sheep: resources or predation? Wildlife Monographs 134:1-50.

1997Book: Beletsky, L. D. and G. H. Orions. 1997. Redwinged Blackbirds: Decision-making and Reproductive Success. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Edited Book: McCullough, D. R., editor. 1996. Metapopulations and Wildlife Conservation. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA.Article/Journal Paper: Beauchamp, W. D., R. R. Koford, T. D. Nudds, R. G. Clark, and D. H. Johnson. 1996. Long-term declines in nest success of prairie ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 60:247-257.
Beauchamp, W. D., T. D. Nudds, and R. G. Clark. 1996. Duck nest success declines with and without predator control. Journal of Wildlife Management 60:258-264.

Monograph: Forsman, E. D., M. G. Raphael, R. J. Gutierrez, and S. DeStefano. 1996. Demography of the northern spotted owl. Studies in Avian Biology No. 17. Cooper Ornithological Society.

1996Book: Craighead, J. J., J. S. Summer, and J. A. Mitchell. 1995. The Grizzly Bears of Yellowstone: Their Ecology in the Yellowstone Ecosystem, 1959-1992. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA.Edited Book: Baskett, T. S., M. W. Sayre, R. E. Tomlinson, and R. E. Mirarchi, editors. 1993. Ecology and Management of the Mourning Dove. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Krebs, C. J., S. Boutin, R. Boonstra, A. R .E. Sinclair, J. N. M. Smith, M. R. T. Dale, K. Martin, and R. Turkington. 1995. Impact of food and predation on the snowshoe hare cycle. Science 269:1112-1115.
1995Book: Bellrose, F. C. and D. J. Holm. 1994. Ecology and Management of the Wood Duck. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.Edited Book: Hagan, J. M., III and D. W. Johnston, editors. 1992. Ecology and Conservation of Neotropical Migrant Landbirds. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., USA.Article/Journal Paper: Pascual, M. A. and M. D. Adkison. 1994. The decline of the Stellar Sea Lion in the Northeast Pacific: Demography, harvest or environment? Ecological Applications 4:393-403.

Monograph: Gray, B. T. and R. M. Kaminski. 1994. Illegal waterfowl hunting in the Mississippi Flyway and recommendations for alleviation. Wildlife Monographs 127:1-60.

1994Edited Book: McCullough, D. R. and R. H. Barrett, editors. 1992. Wildlife 2001: Populations. Elsevier Science Publishers, London, United Kingdom.Article/Journal Paper: Cronin, M. A., D. A. Palmisciano, E. R. Vyse, and D. G. Cameron. 1991. Mitochondrial DNA in wildlife forensic science: species identification of tissues. Wildlife Society Bulletin 19:94-105;
Cronin, M. A. 1993. Mitochondrial DNA in wildlife taxonomy and conservation biology: cautionary notes. Wildlife Society Bulletin 21:339-348.Monograph: Miquelle, D. G., J. M. Peek, and V. Van Ballenberghe. 1992. Sexual segregation in Alaskan moose. Wildlife Monographs 122:1-57.
1993Book: Wilson, E. O. 1992. The Diversity of Life. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.Edited Book: Black, H. C., editor. 1992. Silvicultural Approaches to Animal Damage Management in Pacific Northwest Forests. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-287. Pacific Northwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service, Portland, Oregon, USA.Article: Daniel J. Decker, Roland E. Shanks, Larry A. Nielsen, and Gary R. Parsons. 1991. Ethical and scientific judgements in management: Beware of blurred distinctions. Wildlife Society Bulletin 19:523-527.

Monograph: Gasaway, W. C., R. D. Boertje, D. V. Grangaard, D. G. Kelleyhouse, R. O. Stephenson, and D. G. Larsen. 1992. The role of predation in limiting moose at low densities in Alaska and Yukon and implications for conservation. Wildlife Monographs 120:1-59.

1992Book: Terborgh, J. W. 1989. Where Have the Birds Gone? Essays on the Biology and Conservation of Birds That Migrate to the American Tropics. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.Edited Book: Saunders, D. A. and R. J. Hobbs, editors. 1991. Nature Conservation 2: The Role of Corridors. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, Australia.Article/Journal Paper: Hobbs, N. T. and T. A. Hanley. 1990. Habitat evaluation: Do use and availability data reflect carrying capacity. Journal of Wildlife Management 54:515-522.

Monograph: The Interagency Scientific Committee to Address the Conservation of the Northern Spotted Owl. 1990. A Conservation Strategy for the Northern Spotted Owl. U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Park Service.

1991Book: Grant, B. R. and P. R. Grant. 1989. Evolutionary Dynamics of a Natural Population: The Large Cactus Finch of the Galapagos. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Edited Book: Smith, L. M., R. L. Pederson, and R. M. Kaminski, editors. 1989. Habitat Management for Migrating and Wintering Waterfowl in North America. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, Texas, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Raveling, D. G. and M. E. Heitmeyer. 1989. Relationships of population size and recruitment of pintails to habitat conditions and harvest. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:1088-1103.

Monograph: Pollock, K. H., J. D. Nichols, C. Brownie, and J. E. Hines. 1990. Statistical inference for capture-recapture experiments. Wildlife Monographs 107:3-97.

1990Book: Belanger, D. O. 1988. Managing American Wildlife: A History of the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, USA.Edited Book: Seal, U. S., E. T. Thorne, M. A. Bogan, and S. H. Anderson, editors. 1989. Conservation Biology and the Black-footed Ferret. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Pollock, K. H., S. R. Winterstein, C. M. Bunck, and P. D. Curtis. 1989. Survival analysis in telemetry studies: the staggered entry design. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:7-15.

Monograph: Robbins, C. S., D. K. Dawson, and B. A. Dowell. 1989. Habitat area requirements of breeding forest birds of the Middle Atlantic states. Wildlife Monographs 103:3-34.

1989Book: Potts, G. R. 1986. The Partridge: Pesticides, Predation and Conservation. William Collins, Sons & Co., London, United Kingdom.Edited Book: Novak, M., J. A. Baker, M. E. Obbard, and B. Malloch, editors. 1987. Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto, Canada.Article/Journal Paper: Gavin, T. A. and B. May. 1988. Taxonomic status and genetic purity of Columbian white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 52:1-10.
1988Book: Goodall, J. 1986. The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.Edited Book: Miller, S. D. and D. D. Everett, editors. 1986. Cats of the World: Biology, Conservation, and Management. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C., USA.Article/Journal Paper: Scribner, K. T., M. C. Wooten, M. H. Smith, and P. E. Johns. 1985. Demographic and genetic characteristics of white-tailed deer populations subjected to still or dog hunting. Pages 197-212 in S. L. Beasom and S. F. Roberson, editors. Game Harvest Management, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium. Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, College of Agriculture, Texas A&I University, Kingsville, Texas, USA.
1987Book: Roseberry, J. L. and W. D. Klimstra. 1984. Population Ecology of the Bobwhite. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, USA.Edited Book: Verner, J., M. L. Morrison, and C. J. Ralph, editors. 1986. Wildlife 2000: Modeling Habitat Relationships of Terrestrial Vertebrates. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Swenson, J. 1985. Compensatory reproduction in an introduced mountain goat population in the Absaroka Mountains, Montana. Journal of Wildlife Management 49:837-843.

Monograph: Scott, J. M., S. Mountainspring, F. L. Ramsey, and C. B. Kepler. 1986. Forest bird communities of the Hawaiian Islands: their dynamics, ecology, and conservation. Studies in Avian Biology 9. Cooper Ornithological Society.

1986Book: Harris, L. D. 1984. The Fragmented Forest: Island Biogeography Theory and the Preservation of Biotic Diversity. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Edited Book: Murie, J. O. and G. R. Michener, editors. 1984. The Biology of Ground-Dwelling Squirrels: Annual Cycles, Behavioral Ecology, and Sociality. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Parker, K. L., C. T. Robbins, and T. A. Hanley. 1984. Energy expenditures for locomotion by mule deer and elk. Journal of Wildlife Management 48:474-488.

Monograph: White, S. B., R. A. Dolbeer, and T. A. Bookhout. 1985. Ecology, bioenergetics, and agricultural impacts of a winter-roosting population of blackbirds and starlings. Wildlife Monographs 93:3-42.

1985Book: Clutton-Brock, T. H., F. E. Guinness, and S. D. Albon. 1982. Red Deer: Behavior and Ecology of Two Sexes. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Edited Book: Halls, L. K., editor. 1984. White-Tailed Deer: Ecology and Management. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Hobbs, N. T., D. L. Baker, and R. B. Gill. 1983. Comparative nutritional ecology of montane ungulates during winter. Journal of Wildlife Management 47:1-16.

Monograph: Forsman, E. D., E. C. Meslow, and H. M. Wight. 1984. Distribution and biology of the spotted owl in Oregon. Wildlife Monographs 87:3-64.

1984Book: Houston, D. B. 1982. The Northern Yellowstone Elk: Ecology and Management. MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, New York, USA.Edited Book: Chapman, J. A. and G. A. Feldhamer, editors. 1982. Wild Mammals of North America: Biology, Management, and Economics. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.Monograph: White, G. C., D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, and D. L. Otis. 1982. Capture-recapture and removal methods of sampling closed populations. LA-8787-NERP, UC-11. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Las Alamos, New Mexico, USA.
1983Book: Auffenberg, W. 1981. The Behavioral Ecology of the Komodo Monitor. University Presses of Florida, Gainesville, USA.Edited Book: Thomas, J. W. and D. E. Toweill, editors. 1982. Elk of North America: Ecology and Management. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Romesburg, H. C. 1981. Wildlife science: gaining reliable knowledge. Journal of Wildlife Management 45:293-313.

Monograph: Craighead, J. J., J. S. Sumner, and G. B. Scaggs. 1982. A definitive system for analysis of grizzly bear habitat and other wilderness resources utilizing LANDSAT multispectral imagery and computer technology. Wildlife-Wildlands Institute Monograph No. 1. University of Montana, Missoula, USA.

1982Book: Walter, H. 1979. Eleonora’s Falcon: Adaptations to Prey and Habitat in a Social Raptor. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Edited Book: Wallmo, O. C., editor. 1981. Mule and Black-tailed Deer of North America. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Vaughan, M. R. and L. B. Keith. 1981. Demographic response of experimental snowshoe hare populations to overwinter food shortage. Journal of Wildlife Management 45:354-380.

Monograph: Weigand, J. P. 1980. Ecology of the Hungarian partridge in north-central Montana. Wildlife Monographs 74:3-106.

1981Book: McCullough, D. R. 1980. The George Reserve Deer Herd: Population Ecology of a K-Selected Species. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Verme, L. J. and J. J. Ozoga. 1980. Influence of protein-energy intake on deer fawns in autumn, and Effects of diet on growth and lipogenesis in deer fawns. Journal of Wildlife Management 44:305-314 and 44:315-324, respectively.Monograph: Burnham, K. P., D. R. Anderson, and J. L. Laake. 1980. Estimation of density from line transect sampling of biological populations. Wildlife Monographs 72:3-202.
1980Book: Leopold, A. S. 1977. The California Quail. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA.Edited Book: Schmidt, J. L. and D. L. Gilbert, editors. 1979. Big Game of North America: Ecology and Management. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Roseberry, J. L. 1979. Bobwhite population responses to exploitation: real and simulated. Journal of Wildlife Management 43:285-305.

Monograph: Peterson, R. O. 1977. Wolf ecology and prey relationship on Isle Royale. Scientific Monograph Series No. 11. National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior, Washington, D.C., USA.

1979Book: Hanson, H. C. and R. L. Jones. 1976. The Biogeochemistry of Blue, Snow and Ross’ Geese. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 1. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Eberhardt, L. L. 1978. Appraising variability in population studies. Journal of Wildlife Management 42:207-238.Monograph: Robinette, W. L., Norman V. Hancock, and D. A. Jones. 1977. The Oak Creek mule deer herd in Utah. Publication No. 77-15. Utah State Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City, USA.
1978Book: Caughley, G. 1977. Analysis of Vertebrate Populations. John Wiley & Sons, New York, New York, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Scarff, J. E. 1977. The international management of whales, dolphins, and porpoises: an interdisciplinary assessment. Ecology Law Quarterly 6:323-638.Monograph: Storm, G. L., R. D. Andrews, R. L. Phillips, R. A. Bishop, D. B. Sinoff, and J. R. Tester. 1976. Morphology, reproduction, dispersal, and mortality of Midwestern red fox populations. Wildlife Monographs 49:3-82.
1977Book: Bellrose, F. C. 1976. Ducks, Geese and Swans of North America. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.Monograph: Pearson, A. M. 1975. The northern interior grizzly bear Ursus arctus L. Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series No. 34.
1976Book: Douglas-Hamilton, I. and O. Douglas-Hamilton. 1975. Among the Elephants. Viking Press, Inc. New York, New York, USA.Article/Journal Paper: Nixon, C. M., M. W. McClain and R. W. Donohoe. 1975. Effects of hunting and mast crops on a squirrel population. Journal of Wildlife Management 39:1-25.Monograph: Gates, J. M. and J. B. Hale. 1974. Seasonal movement, winter habitat use, and population distribution of an east central Wisconsin pheasant population. Technical Bulletin No. 76. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, USA.
Gates, J. M. and J. B. Hale. 1975. Reproduction of an east central Wisconsin pheasant population. Technical Bulletin No. 85. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, USA.
1975Article/Journal Paper: Robinette, W. L., C. M. Loveless, and D. A. Jones. 1974. Field tests of strip census methods. Journal of Wildlife Management 38:81-96.Monograph: Dumke, R. T. and C. M. Pils. 1973. Mortality of radio-tagged pheasants on the Waterloo Wildlife Area. Technical Bulletin No. 72. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, USA.
1974Book: Ernst, C. H. and R. W. Barbour. 1972. Turtles of the United States. University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Johnsgard, P. A. 1973. Grouse and Quails of North America. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, USA.Monograph: Strangaard, H. 1972. The roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) population at Kalo and factors regulating its size. Vildtbiologisk Station Communication No. 95, Kalo, Denmark.
1973Tuck, L. M. 1972. The snipes: a study of the Genus Capella. Monograph Series No. 5. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
1972Geist, V. 1971. Mountain Sheep: A Study in Behavior and Evolution. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Mech, L. D. 1970. The Wolf: The Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species. American Museum of Natural History, Natural History Press, Garden City, New York, New York, USA.
1971Kenyon, K. W. 1969. The sea otter in the eastern Pacific Ocean. North American Fauna 68:1-352.
1970Rosene, W., Jr. 1969. The Bobwhite Quail: Its Life and Management. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA.
1969Kelsall, J. P. 1968. The migratory barren-ground caribou of Canada. Canadian Wildlife Service Monograph No. 3. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
1968Wagner, F. H., C. D. Besadny, and C. Kabat. 1965. Population ecology and management of Wisconsin pheasants. Technical Bulletin No. 34. Wisconsin Conservation Department, Madison, USA.
1967Hanson, H. C. 1965. The Giant Canada Goose. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, USA.
1966Kabat, C. and D. R. Thompson. 1963. Wisconsin quail 1834-1962: Population dynamics and habitat management. Technical Bulletin No. 30. Wisconsin Conservation Department, Madison, USA.
Schaller, G. B. 1963. The Mountain Gorilla: Ecology and Behavior. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
1965Krebs, C. J. 1964. The lemming cycle at Baker Lake, Northwest Territories, during 1959-1962. Arctic Institute of North America Technical Paper 15.
1964Talbot, L. M. and M. H. Talbot. 1963. The wildebeest in Western Masailand, East Africa. Wildlife Monographs 12:3-88.
1962Tuck, L. M. 1961. The murres: their distribution, populations, and biology; a study of the genus Uria. Canadian Wildlife Series 1. Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
1961Buechner, H. K. 1960. The bighorn sheep of the United States, its past, present, and future. Wildlife Monographs 4:3-174.
Dorney, R. S. and C. Kabat. 1960. Relation of weather, parasitic disease and hunting to Wisconsin ruffed grouse populations. Technical Bulletin No. 20. Wisconsin Conservation Department, Madison, USA.
1960Leopold, A. S. 1959. Wildlife of Mexico: The Game Birds and Mammals. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA.
1959Mendall, H. L. 1958. The Ring-necked Duck in the Northeast. University of Maine Bulletin 60(16):1-317.
1958Ammann, G. A. 1957. The Prairie Grouse of Michigan. Michigan Department of Conservation, Game Division.
Hamerstrom, F. N., Jr., O. E. Mattson, and F. Hamerstrom. 1957. A Guide to Prairie Chicken Management. Technical Wildlife Bulletin 15. Game Management Division, Wisconsin Conservation Department, Madison, USA.
1957Hochbaum, H. A. 1955. Travels and Traditions of Waterfowl. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, USA.
1956Sowls, L. K. 1955. Prairie Ducks: A Study of Their Behavior, Ecology and Management. The Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and the Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D.C., USA.
1955Stokes, A. W. 1954. Population Studies of Ring-necked Pheasants on Pelee Island, Ontario. Technical Bulletin, Wildlife Series No. 4. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
1954Koford, C. B. 1953. The California Condor. National Audubon Society Research Report No. 4.
1953Patterson, R. L. 1952. The Sage Grouse in Wyoming. Sage Books, Denver, Colorado, USA.
1952Murie, O. J. 1951. The Elk of North America. The Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA, and Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D.C., USA.
1951Schwartz, C. W. and E. R. Schwartz. 1949. The Game Birds in Hawaii. Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, Territory of Hawaii, USA
1949Einarsen, A. S. 1948. The Pronghorn Antelope and Its Management. Wildlife Management Institute, Washington, D.C., USA.
1948Bump, G., R. W. Darrow, F. C. Edminster, and W. F. Crissey. 1947. The Ruffed Grouse: Its Life History, Propagation, Management. New York State Conservation Department, Albany, USA.
1947Errington, P. L. 1946. Predation and vertebrate populations. Quarterly Review of Biology 21:144-177 and 21:211-245.
1946McAtee, M. L., editor. 1945. The Ring-necked Pheasant and Its Management in North America. American Wildlife Institute, Washington, D.C., USA.
1945Hochbaum, H. A. 1944. The Canvasback on a Prairie Marsh. American Wildlife Institute, Washington, D.C., USA.
Allen, D. L. 1943. Michigan fox squirrel management. Game Division Publication 100. Michigan Department of Conservation, Lansing, USA.
1944Mosby, H. S. and C. O. Handley. 1943. The Wild Turkey in Virginia: Its Status, Life History and Management. Virginia Division of Game, Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries.
Gerstell, R. 1942. The Place of Winter Feeding in Practical Wildlife Management. Pennsylvania Game Commission Research Bulletin No. 3:1-121.
1942Murie, A. 1940. Ecology of the Coyote in the Yellowstone. Fauna of the National Parks of the United States. Bulletin No. 4:1-206.
1940Errington, P., F. Hamerstrom, and F. N. Hamerstrom, Jr. 1940. The Great Horned Owl and Its Prey in North-Central United States. Iowa State College Agricultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin 277:759-850.