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TWS Section, Chapter meetings and student Conclaves in April
Sections, Chapters, and Working Groups of The Wildlife Society hold meetings and workshops throughout the year. In addition, TWS Student Conclaves are usually held in the spring. The following meetings and conclaves are currently scheduled during the month of April:
April 2, 2018: Maine Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual spring meeting
- Location: Fields Pond Audubon Center, Holden, Maine
April 11-13, 2018: Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual spring meeting
- Location: The Plantation, Crystal River, Florida
April 13-15, 2018: TWS Northeast Student Conclave
- Hosted by the Green Mountain College Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society
- Location: The Common Ground Center, Starksboro, Vermont
April 22-24, 2018: Illinois Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting
- Location: Hawthorne Suites Conference Center, Champaign, Illinois
April 26-27, 2018: Maryland-Delaware Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual spring meeting
- Location: Redden State Forest, Georgetown, Delaware