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TWS opens online learning center to educators
With the coronavirus pandemic keeping many people isolated in their homes, The Wildlife Society is opening access to hundreds of presentations via its Live Learning Center to help educators transition their students to online learning.
“The heart of The Wildlife Society’s mission is ‘science-based management and conservation,’” said TWS president Gary White. “So TWS providing the online resources of the Live Learning Center to wildlife educators and students is at the core of what we do for our profession.”
The Live Learning Center contains presentations on a wide variety of wildlife topics from The Wildlife Society’s joint conference last fall with the American Fisheries Society. Once they sign on, educators can share these presentations with their students.
“Making the Live Learning Center videos and materials free and available online for educators and students is a huge service to wildlife education,” said Lisette Waits, president of the National Association of University Fish and Wildlife Programs. “University faculty have been faced with rapidly transitioning all classes to an online format and these videos will be a great resource for sharing the amazing research that wildlife professionals are actively engaged in.”
You can access the learning center using this link to register with your name, email address and institution. You do not have to be a TWS member to gain access to the presentations. Use the search function to see what topics may be related to your courses.