TWS announces 2020 awards winners

The Wildlife Society is announcing the recipients of this year’s awards. Unfortunately, the recipients won’t have their on-stage moment at our virtual annual conference this year, but we don’t want their accomplishments to go unnoticed.

Keep an eye out on to learn more about these recipients in the coming weeks. And visit our conference website to keep up to date on the latest developments regarding the annual conference.

Aldo Leopold Memorial Award: John Organ

TWS Fellows: Erin McCance, Gary Roloff, Timothy R. Van Deelen, Harriet Allen, Kerry Nicholson, Kelly Douglass, Leslie Burger, Fidel Hernandez, Randy DeYoung, Cynthia Perrine


Article/Journal Paper: Justin P. Suraci, Michael Clinchy, Liana Y. Zanette, and Christopher C. Wilmers. Fear of humans as apex predators has landscape-scale impacts from mountain lions to mice. Ecology Letters 2019.

Authored Book: Tori Ruth, Polly Buotte, and Maurice Hornocker. Yellowstone Cougars: Ecology Before and During Wolf Restoration. University Press of Colorado 2019.

Edited Book: Kurt C. VerCauteren, James C. Beasley, Stephen S. Ditchkoff, John J. Mayer, Gary J. Roloff, and Bronson K. Strickland. Invasive Wild Pigs in North America. CRC Press 2020.

Monograph: Madelon van de Kerk, David P. Onorato, Jeffrey A. Hostetler, Benjamin M. Bolker, and Madan K. Oli . Dynamics, Persistence, and Genetic Management of the Endangered Florida Panther Population. Wildlife Monographs 2019.


Caesar Kleberg Award for Excellence in Applied Wildlife Research: Ray Alisauskas

Jay N. “Ding” Darling Memorial Award for Wildlife Stewardship Through Art: Ross Hier

Diversity Award: South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Diversity Outreach Program

Group Achievement Award: Organizing Committee for the First and Second National Conferences on Wildlife Management and Conservation in Mexico

Special Recognition Service Award: Michael P. Gutzmer


Conservation Education: Emily Thoroski

Excellence in Wildlife Education: Rick Baydack

Donald H. Rusch Memorial Game Bird Research Scholarship: Colby Slezak


Chapter of the Year: Minnesota Chapter

Distinguished Service: Jim Hays

Honorary Membership: Tom Ryder

Student Chapter Advisor of the Year: Elizabeth Flaherty

Student Chapter of the Year: Stephen F. Austin State University Student Chapter

W.L. McAtee and G.V. Burger Award for Outstanding Service as an Associate Editor: Clint Boal


Header Image: A double rainbow appears over Yellowstone’s Lamar Valley. Caption: Ryan Haggerty/USFWS