Tag: Protected Areas

December 14, 2018

More biodiversity means more ecotourism

Protected areas with more biodiversity tend to have more tourists, according to new research. That popularity can mean more money for conservation and help bolster human interest in wildlife, but...

June 19, 2018

Quebec biodiversity may increase with climate change

As climate change disrupts wildlife around the world, protected lands in Quebec might actually see higher biodiversity, researchers found, creating challenges for managers as they deal with wildlife leaving warmer...

April 12, 2018

Putting a price on wildlife helps locals conserve them

In the last decade, an innovative community-based ecotourism strategy has attracted attention in Laos for saving wildlife and supplementing local people’s incomes. Researchers found that paying villagers for tourists’ wildlife...

October 27, 2017

Corridors key to protecting species, conservationists say

From monarchs to grizzlies, America’s wildlife is dwindling due to climate change and habitat destruction, conservationists said at a conference this week in Washington, and wildlife corridors are crucial to...

August 15, 2016

Massive biodiversity database reveals the value of protected areas

After more than a century of setting aside protected areas such as wildlife refuges, conservationists can finally be confident that the approach helps wildlife. In the largest-ever analysis of biodiversity...

December 10, 2015

Migratory Birds Lack Adequate Habitat Protection

Migratory birds are always on the move and, as a result, rely on habitat protection — of breeding grounds, nonbreeding grounds and stopover areas. “I realized that in large conservation...

April 7, 2015

Most Important Areas of Future Conservation

Priority areas for future conservation in the U.S. are mostly concentrated in the Southeast — an area which lacks protected areas to support them, according to a new study. Researchers...