Tag: nesting

February 14, 2017

JWM study: Energy extraction impacting ferruginous hawks

New findings suggest that intensive oil and gas operations may be causing long-term local population declines in the ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis), the largest species of American hawk, which soars...

December 8, 2015

Which Sand is Best for Endangered Sea Turtles’ Nests?

Spending the summer peering around a beach in St. Kitts in search of leatherback sea turtles and their nests wasn’t just a walk in the park — or on the...

September 8, 2015

Hummingbirds Benefit From Nesting Near Hawks

When it comes to their relationships with hawks, it may benefit hummingbirds to be taken under their wing. Researchers conducted a study that found that hummingbirds can benefit from protection...