Tag: gray wolves

October 12, 2018

Wolves help shape how long elk keep antlers

In the late winter of 2005, TWS member Matt Metz started noticing a particular dynamic between elk (Cervus canadensis) and wolves (Canis lupus) in Yellowstone National Park, where he worked...

June 6, 2018

JWM: Harvest may not impact where wolves rear pups

How does hunting affect where gray wolves (Canis lupus) bring up their pups? A new study from Idaho suggests that despite the presence of hunters, wolves rear their offspring in...

May 1, 2018

Wolves and domestic dogs have crossbred for centuries

Across the globe, gray wolves (Canis lupus) carry slivers of chromosomes from domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), pointing to potential genetic hybridization that spans back many generations. Analyzing the canids’...

September 12, 2017

House debates amendments to FY18 appropriations bill

The U.S. House of Representatives is currently working through the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies FY18 appropriations bill as part of a massive eight-bill omnibus package for fiscal year 2018...

July 20, 2017

Wildlife Monographs: Predator control impacts wolves in Alaska preserve

Gray wolves (canis lupus) are protected within the boundaries of central Alaska’s Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, but their numbers are being reduced by predator management efforts outside the preserve, according...

April 5, 2016

The winter is more bitter for mangy wolves

Mangy wolves struggle more to cope with the cold and wind than healthy animals. “They could either consume more to replace those lost calories through heat or they could move...

October 6, 2015

TWS Member Finds Mammals in Chernobyl Recovering

One of the world’s worst nuclear meltdowns may be less of a problem for large mammals than ordinary human habitation, according to new research on the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. “We’re...

May 8, 2015

Third Bill Aimed at Wolf De-listing Introduced

H.R. 1985, introduced by Representatives Newhouse (R-Washington), Stewart (R-Utah), and Walden (R-Oregon), is the latest legislation aimed at prohibiting certain gray wolf populations from receiving protection under the Endangered Species...

April 28, 2015

And Then There Were Three: Park Wolf Numbers Decimated

Three isn’t always company — especially when the number applies to the entire remaining wolf population on Isle Royale due to warming winters and weakening genes. A researcher that helped...