Tag: Canada

July 1, 2019

Remote-controlled device helps trap box-nesting birds

Wildlife managers can now capture birds by trapping them inside their nests using a remote-controlled device similar to a garage door opener. Dave Shutler, TWS member and a biology professor...

June 25, 2019

After 50 years, DDT still impacts lake ecosystem

Between the 1950s and 1960s, airplanes spread more than 6,000 tons of the pesticide DDT onto remote forests in New Brunswick, Canada during one of the largest insecticide spray programs...

June 14, 2019

Watch: Carnivorous Canadian plant eats baby salamanders

Biologists have discovered a salamander-eating plant in a Canadian provincial park. Researchers monitoring carnivorous northern pitcher plants (Sarracenia purpurea purpurea L.) in Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario found baby salamanders...

June 11, 2019

Canada proposes migratory bird regulation updates

Environment and Climate Change Canada recently released proposed changes to its migratory bird regulations. While Canada’s migratory bird  regulations, which were first adopted in 1917, have been amended several times...

May 28, 2019

Invasives inching into boreal forests raise climate concerns

Invasive species are wriggling their way into the boreal forests of North America, raising concerns that they could convert a landscape known for holding carbon into one that releases it....

May 23, 2019

American bumblebee declines in Canada

When the once common rusty-patched (Bombus affinis) bumblebee disappeared from Canada by the early 2000s, researchers became worried. What would this mean for less common bumblebee species? “This raised the...

May 2, 2019

Ski resort sojourn helps captive-bred marmots survive wild

Releasing captive-bred marmots into a “cushy” ski resort area for a year improves their chances of surviving predation and teaches them how to hibernate. “What we found is that you’re...

April 18, 2019

‘Squirrel Camp’ delves into Yukon squirrels’ behavior

Since the Kluane Red Squirrel Project opened in Canada’s Yukon in 1987, researchers have captured data on generations of North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) in the region. “What Jane Goodall...

April 12, 2019

Lake core samples reveal impact of overhunting on seaducks

Decades of sediment built up deep under Arctic ponds can reveal the size of past seabird populations and how harvesting has impacted their numbers over the decades. “We can track...

April 2, 2019

Overabundant snow geese graze through shorebird habitat

Since the 1970s, the midcontinental population of Arctic snow geese (Chen caerulescen) has been increasing, now exceeding 15 million individuals. At the same time Arctic shorebird numbers are declining. Researchers...