Conservation Affairs Committee
This committee identifies and describes the issues surrounding wildlife management across the Section. Where appropriate, it contributes information relevant to decision making at all levels of government, provides scientific and technical background information in a manner that is consistent with the goals and directions of the Section and the Society, and provides feedback to The Wildlife Society staff on wildlife management and conservation issues of particular relevance to the Southwest Section so that The Wildlife Society can undertake its mandate sensitive to the needs of the membership.
Committee Chair: Nick Forman (
The Conservation Affairs Committee (CAC) is a part of The Wildlife Society’s Conservation Affairs Network (CAN), which engages and unifies the efforts of The Wildlife Society, its 200+ units, and nearly 10,000 members to advance wildlife conservation policy issues at the national, regional, and local levels. Learn more about CAN here.
TWS comments to BLM on Draft PEIS for Utility-Scale Solar Energy Development, April 18, 2024
Section letter to the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board, December 5, 2023
Section letter to Representative Kay Granger on the proposed border wall, May 12, 2018
This letter was sent to members of the House Committee on Appropriations who represent districts in the Southwest Section (all members happen to be from Texas). The same letter that was sent to Representative Granger was also sent to Representatives Culberson, Carter, and Cuellar, all of whom sit on the same committee. The Western Section of The Wildlife Society is doing the same for their representatives.