Series: TWS Journals

March 1, 2018

The March/April issue of The Wildlife Professional

A nationwide survey of Americans last year showed that while people have an interest in nature and being outdoors, the time they spend doing outdoor activities — including traditional ones...

February 8, 2018

New JWM issue celebrates waterfowl conservation

The February issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management (Vol. 82.2) features a special section on waterfowl conservation. Guest editor Christopher Williams, Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Waterfowl and...

January 17, 2018

New publication fee structure for Wildlife Monographs

Published by The Wildlife Society since 1958, Wildlife Monographs are single-topic, peer-reviewed studies on specific problems and issues in wildlife science, management and conservation.  These published works have made significant...

January 9, 2018

More reasons to publish with TWS in 2018

A lot of factors go into choosing where to publish your wildlife research findings.  Here’s why you should choose one of TWS journals this year. Reduced page charges for members...

January 2, 2018

The January/February issue of The Wildlife Professional

In our first issue of 2018, The Wildlife Professional takes an in-depth look at the struggle to contain the spread of chronic wasting disease in cervids.  In November, Montana became...

December 27, 2017

Start the New Year with two new TWS journal issues

Start your year by taking full advantage of your TWS member benefit: online access to The Journal of Wildlife Management and the Wildlife Society Bulletin. The new January issue of...

December 18, 2017

WSB: Mobile app gathers plover data across vast range

The threatened piping plover (Charadrius melodus) nests on North American coastlines from Maine to North Carolina, where biologists fear it faces growing threats from rising sea levels associated with climate...

September 19, 2017

Read the September issue of the Wildlife Society Bulletin

Volume 41.3 is now published online. The issue features five Tools and Technology articles and 18 Original Articles. Featured in this issue are: What Should Go in a Wildlife Professional’s...

September 14, 2017

For most hunters, success defines a good hunt

Hunters often say enjoying nature and bonding with friends and family are favorite parts of the experience, but what contributes most to the happiness they get from the hunt? It’s...

July 24, 2017

RMEF honors TWS member Evelyn Merrill

TWS member Evelyn Merrill, a longtime wildlife biologist and former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Wildlife Management, received the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s Excellence in Elk Country-Wildlife Researcher/Biologist award, honoring...