Series: TWS Journals

August 31, 2018

The Sept/Oct issue of The Wildlife Professional

The latest issue of The Wildlife Professional salutes conservation successes, starting with our cover feature, Ready for Release — Rebound of the Kirtland’s Warbler. The population of the tiny bird...

August 28, 2018

Session of the Week: Tips for writing manuscripts

Registration for The Wildlife Society’s 25th Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, is now open! Visit for details, or register now by logging in to Your Membership and clicking on the Conference tab. Want to...

July 2, 2018

Two new issues of TWS journals

Take advantage of your free online access as a TWS member and read the latest wildlife research findings. The July issue of The Journal of Wildlife Management (Vol 82.5) and...

June 29, 2018

The July/August Issue of The Wildlife Professional

Poachers and smugglers try to outwit wildlife conservation officers on a daily basis. Efforts to combat wildlife crime and change these illegal behaviors are the focus of the July/August cover...

June 19, 2018

What wildlifers are reading in TWS journals

TWS’ three premier wildlife journals — The Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Monographs and the Wildlife Society Bulletin — support our mission to achieve a positive impact on the sustainability...

May 4, 2018

The latest wildlife management research

The new issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management (Vol.82.4) is now online. Highlights include: Commentary Research priorities for managing invasive wild pigs in North America Review Managing emerging threats...

May 1, 2018

The May/June issue of The Wildlife Professional

Hurricane Sandy caused major damage at Delaware’s Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge in October 2012. The effort to restore this refuge and other coastal restoration efforts is the focus of...

March 22, 2018

Two new TWS journal issues: March WSB and April JWM

TWS’ publisher, Wiley, has launched a new platform that makes it easier to read the latest articles published in the Wildlife Society Bulletin and the Journal of Wildlife Management. The...

March 1, 2018

The March/April issue of The Wildlife Professional

A nationwide survey of Americans last year showed that while people have an interest in nature and being outdoors, the time they spend doing outdoor activities — including traditional ones...

February 8, 2018

New JWM issue celebrates waterfowl conservation

The February issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management (Vol. 82.2) features a special section on waterfowl conservation. Guest editor Christopher Williams, Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Waterfowl and...