Search Results for: wild horse
JWM: Livestock may drive down Pallas’s cat numbers in Mongolia
Pallas’s cats are about the size of house cats, only furrier and with rounder bodies. Their eyes have rounded pupils, while all other cats are known for their characteristic vertical...
TWS2021: Dredged material provides nesting areas for birds
Sediment dredged from the bottom of estuaries to improve shipping passages for boats can be formed into good island nesting habitat for coastal birds like black skimmers. Black skimmers are...
TWS journals: A new look & top downloads of 2021
You may have noticed a few changes to the appearance of The Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Monographs and Wildlife Society Bulletin. After more than a decade without a change...
Coronavirus, powerful predators and an island of rats
If 2021 was supposed to bring a respite from the coronavirus, it didn’t quite work out that way. The virus continued to dominate the news, and for readers of,...
By cleaning up carcasses, hyenas also reduce disease
Hyenas aren’t the most popular species, but in one Ethiopian town, they may be reducing the spread of diseases from dead animals to people and livestock. When their livestock dies,...
What’s happening Thursday at TWS’ Virtual Conference
Thursday brings a full day of activities at the TWS 2021 Annual Conference. Fill out your itinerary from a wide range of symposia, presentations, poster sessions, panels, working group meetings...
BLM reconsiders mineral extraction on 10 million acres
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is reconsidering preventing new mining, drilling or other mineral extraction in areas identified as important for sage-grouse management. The agency’s 2015 plan for management...
Environmental groups challenge jumping mouse management
The U.S. Forest Service should do more to protect the endangered New Mexico meadow jumping mouse (Zapus hudsonius luteus) in New Mexico and Arizona, argues a new lawsuit filed earlier...
In nature documentaries, zoom in on conservation — not drama
The cameras were on David, a male chimpanzee fighting with others over females. He gets pretty battered, even losing a finger, while the music turns somber and the lighting fades...
WSB: Tracking feral swine sounders
Researchers are determined to learn as much as they can about feral pigs’ group dynamics by developing special tools to track dozens of individuals at a time. Feral swine (Sus...