Rehabilitated jaguar released in Yucatan after car strike

A jaguar struck by a car in Mexico was released into a biological reserve after 100 days of rehabilitation. The animal, hit several months ago, was quickly discovered by a passing veterinarian. She and her partner cared for the unconscious jaguar (Panthera onca) and alerted authorities, who took over and brought the animal to a zoo for further rehabilitation with minimal human contact. The big cat was released after 100 days in southeastern Mexico’s Siaan Ka’an Biosphere Reserve in the Yucatan Peninsula. Researchers fitted the animal with a satellite tracking collar, which will help researchers follow it for the next year and a half or so.

Read more at the International Fund for Animal Welfare.


Header Image: A jaguar (not the one pictured) hit by a car was successfully rehabilitated and released in the wild in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. Credit: Panthera