About Our Partners Program
Partner support is essential to the advancement of The Wildlife Society, our missions and program initiatives. Their financial contributions allow us to provide better services and unique member benefits ranging from contributed website and magazine content to discounted products and services. They help us progress issues that are vital to the growth of our Society, ensuring that TWS remains the preeminent voice in wildlife science, management and conservation for generations to come. We thank them for their commitment, and encourage you to consider utilizing the many services they provide to members in support of wildlife, the profession and our Society. To learn more about The Wildlife Society’s partners program email us at tws@wildlife.org.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. This is accomplished through the dedicated efforts of more than 8,000 FWS employees. Half of those employees are trained scientists and many are fish and wildlife biologists and managers. Through continuation of this longstanding cooperative relationship, TWS and FWS seek to further efforts to promote scientific excellence and support professional development of wildlife biologists and managers. A key initiative supported through this partnership is the Native Student Professional Development Program.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Forest Service
The USFS manages and protects our nation’s 154 national forests and 20 grasslands in 44 states and Puerto Rico to meet the needs of present and future generations. As a Premier Partner of TWS, USFS leads the support of Native American students pursuing wildlife management careers through sponsored summer research internships. This program provides Native American students the opportunity to work side-by-side with wildlife professionals and to gain valuable and practical experience in the field. The Forest Service supports special events such as the Student-Professional Networking Event and “Careers with the U.S. Forest Service” at our Annual Conference. USFS regularly contributes articles that are published in The Wildlife Professional, providing field experience and research to our membership.
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Geological Survey
The USGS serves as the biological research arm of the U.S. Department of the Interior and provides science to help achieve sustainable management and conservation of biological resources. The Ecosystems Mission Area includes programs like the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units, Climate Adaptation Science Centers, and research programs on species management, invasive species, biological threats, and others. Strengthening the foundation for professional collaboration between TWS an USGS will enable wider and more efficient dissemination of wildlife science and management to the broader scientific community through leveraging the expanded networks of each respective organization. Further, coordinating on the development of enhanced education and training opportunities will promote the development of expertise needed to support future wildlife and biological conservation and research needs.
U.S. Geological Survey
USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services
Wildlife Services provides federal leadership and expertise resolving wildlife conflicts to allow people and wildlife to coexist. As a Strategic Partner of TWS, Wildlife Services is the proud sponsor of our Certified Wildlife Biologist® program. Wildlife Services supports our Annual Conference as a Strategic Partner, offering special sessions such as “Careers with Wildlife Services.” Travel grants for students to attend the conference are also made available through their generous support. Wildlife Services frequently contributes articles to The Wildlife Professional and the TWS website, continuing to demonstrate critical wildlife management program initiatives and sharing those insights with our members.
Wildlife Services
National Association of University Fisheries and Wildlife Programs
The mission of the National Association of University Fisheries and Wildlife Programs is to represent, strengthen, and advocate for all college and university programs educating fish and wildlife conservation and management professionals. With aligning missions, TWS and NAUFWP have formed a Strategic Partner relationship to further enhance both organizations’ efforts in support of wildlife education and the development of the next generation of wildlife professionals. The collaboration strives to increase student engagement with TWS through membership and/or annual conference participation, and vice versa. The relationship also ensures a regular cadence of strategic discussions between TWS and NAUFWP, giving them the opportunity to share new perspectives, resources, and ideas that will benefit students and faculty now, and also the future of science-based wildlife conservation and management.
National Association of University Fisheries and Wildlife Programs
Bureau of Land Management
The Bureau of Land Management’s mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. The BLM administers nearly 250 million acres of public lands in the United States, constituting one-eighth of the landmass of the country. As a partner of TWS, the BLM supports providing career information and opportunities through TWS’ website and annual conference, alongside support for TWS’ publications and communication channels.
Bureau of Land Management
Wildlife Management Institute
Since its inception in 1911, the Wildlife Management Institute has remained a small, mobile, private, nonprofit, scientific and educational organization and works to catalyze and facilitate strategies, actions, decision and programs to benefit wildlife and wildlife values. TWS and WMI have shared overlapping missions since both organizations were founded, and our collaboration at the organization and employee/member levels stands to bolster the effectiveness of both TWS and WMI and aid in the pursuit of their respective missions.
Wildlife Management Institute
Your desire to be your best fuels our promise to provide nothing short of exceptional performance, unmatched service, and memorable experiences. The way we see it, your success is our success. Welcome to Vortex Nation. The Wildlife Society’s membership represents a unique niche of professionals, outdoor enthusiasts and sports men and women who would be highly inclined to use Vortex products in their work and recreation. In an effort to capitalize on that overlapping demographic for the benefit of both organizations, Vortex is the official optics partner of TWS. Keep an eye out for Vortex products at TWS’ Annual Conference and in communication channels throughout the year.
Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute
The Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute at Texas A&M University-Kingsville is the leading wildlife research organization in Texas and one of the finest in the nation. Established in 1981 by a grant from the Caesar Kleberg Foundation for Wildlife Conservation, the Institute operates as a nonprofit organization and depends financially upon private contributions and faculty grantsmanship. Our mission is to provide science-based information for enhancing the conservation and management of Texas wildlife.
Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute
Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited is the world’s leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation. Its mission is to conserve, restore, and manage wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. The Wildlife Society’s partnership with DU builds a stronger network of wildlife professionals and conservationists with far-reaching benefits. Together, TWS and DU intend to advance common policy goals; share and disseminate science and best management practices; address recruitment and retention issues; reinforce the value of professional certification; and more.
Ducks Unlimited
Johns Hopkins University Press
America’s oldest university press, Johns Hopkins University Press, is a leader and innovator in scholarly publishing since 1878. Through their Leading Sponsorship, JHU Press offers members a selection of TWS textbooks and other essential readings for the wildlife profession at discounted prices. They are dedicated to bringing our members the best in texts and reference materials for the wildlife profession, and work closely throughout the year with The Wildlife Society to make these resources available. JHU Press is also an important sponsor of our Annual Conference.
John Hopkins University Press
National Wild Turkey Federation
Since its inception in 1973, the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) has provided the foundation for wild turkey conservation throughout North America. From the first research project funded in the 1970s, to the multi-million acre restoration initiatives going on today and everywhere in between, conserving the wild turkey and preserving our hunting heritage has always been — and always will be — the backbone of the NWTF. The NWTF also supports science-based conservation and management, education, and sound policy—a mission that shares considerable overlap with that of The Wildlife Society (TWS).
National Wild Turkey Federation
2% for Conservation
2% for Conservation™ is a 501c3 non-profit certification organization based out of Manhattan, MT in the United States. Their main program is certifying businesses and individuals that give at least 1% of the time and 1% of their money to fish and wildlife conservation. The Wildlife Society is a proud 2% Community Partner.
2% for ConservationTogether We Make a Difference
TWS thanks our year-round partners for their support of member programs and services. To learn more about The Wildlife Society’s partner program, contact tws@wildlife.org.