Search Results for: wild cam

January 26, 2015

Taking Wildlife Science to the Community

The fall semester of 2014 was an exciting one for the University of Montana’s Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society. The 40+ members maintain an active schedule with weekly meetings...

Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch
January 5, 2015

Paths to Becoming a Wildlifer

From the winter issue of The Wildlife Professional. MAKING YOURSELF MARKETABLE FOR THE WILDLIFE PROFESSION As professors in university wildlife departments, we often receive phone calls from prospective employers — state...

Wildlife Cybercrime Elephants
December 11, 2014

Wildlife Cybercrime Exposed

Thousands of endangered wildlife or wildlife products are being sold on public websites, a new report by the advocacy group, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has revealed. As...

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May 31, 2014


The Society’s Wildlife Publication Awards recognize excellence in scientific literature of wildlife biology and management issued within the last three years. The publications selected are characterized by originality of research...

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May 31, 2014


The Excellence in Wildlife Education Award celebrates sustained exemplary teaching and contributions to the improvement of wildlife education by honoring individual faculty members. Eligible faculty should have been actively engaged...

April 19, 2019

Invasive birds fill critical seed dispersing role in Hawaii

Introduced bird species in Oahu, Hawaii may disperse seeds of native plant species long after the native birds that originally filled these roles are gone. According to new research, these...

March 7, 2016

TWS member tracks the mystery of snow leopard populations

It was 2009 in a small valley in the Gobi Desert in southern Mongolia, about 50 miles from the Chinese border. Local sheep and goat herders in the area had...

August 19, 2024

WSB: To save kestrels from airstrikes, translocate them

Moving the small raptors 15 miles away from airports was usually enough to ensure they don’t return to dangerous areas

August 14, 2024

WM: Burros are changing desert ecosystems

Native plants and small mammals may be losing key habitat features due to grazing donkeys

August 12, 2024

TWS welcomes 3 new staff members

New staff will bolster communication and policy efforts at The Wildlife Society