Nonprofits’ efforts aid threatened frog in Quebec

The Canadian government has provided $8.2 million to benefit the western chorus frog

Canadian officials say a cooperative effort with three nonprofits have helped restore wetlands in Quebec that are home to a threatened frog.

Since 2022, the federal government has provided $8.2 million to Nature-Action Québec, Ducks Unlimited Canada and the Nature Conservancy of Canada to protect dozens of hectares inhabited by the western chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata). Biologists say the diminutive frog has lost much of its range in the province to development and agricultural intensification.

“Collaboration is key to conservation, and we must work together if we want to ensure the protection and recovery of species at risk like the western chorus frog,” said federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault.

Biologists consider the western chorus frog an indicator species reflecting the health of the ecosystem. By protecting the areas it occupies, they hope to benefit other wetland species.

Read more from the CBC.

Header Image: A western chorus frog emerges from the water in Ontario. Credit: Riley Walsh via iNaturalist