Reminder: Apply for the Leadership Institute Today!
The application deadline for The Wildlife Society’s flagship leadership training program, the Leadership Institute, is quickly approaching! The Leadership Institute provides ten to fifteen early-career professionals with leadership training, mentoring,...
TWS Issues Statement on Wild Sheep Disease Transmission Risk
The Wildlife Society partnered with the American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians (AAWV) to develop a joint issue statement on domestic sheep and goat disease transmission risk to wild sheep. The...
Researchers Share Findings Through Social Media
Wyoming’s big game just joined the 21st century. Last week, the Wyoming Migration Initiative and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department began reporting about eight animal captures and studies on...
Killer Amphibian Fungus Traces Found in Old Specimen Samples
The history and origins of the fungus killing vast populations of amphibians is becoming increasingly complex as researchers discover evidence of the chytrid disease in old museum samples in Illinois...
Ontario Considers Invasive Species Legislation
The Ontario Legislature is considering Bill 37, Invasive Species Act, 2014, which, if passed, would be Canada’s first law specifically targeted at controlling invasive species. The bill was first introduced...
FWS Lists Four More Injurious Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) declared four nonnative constrictor snakes as injurious species under the Lacey Act. Injurious species cannot be imported or transported over state lines without...
Montana Agency to Start Hunting Ethics Campaign
The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks plans to kick off a new campaign encouraging hunter ethics in fall of this year. Hunting ethics have been under scrutiny in...
Researchers Record Oldest Little Brown Bat Ever
Just because a brown bat is little doesn’t mean it’s not old. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources researchers recently discovered a little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) that was tagged 32...
Idaho Drafts New State Sage-Grouse Plan
Idaho is working on a new draft conservation plan for the sage-grouse in an effort to keep the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from potentially listing the species under the...