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Wild Cam: As snow decreases, wolf stomachs rumble

Lower snow levels in Minnesota winters means fewer vulnerable deer for packs to prey on

Read Now December 19, 2024
December 27, 2024

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Take a look back at the most read articles from TWS journals in 2024

December 26, 2024

U.S. Senate passes the America’s Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization Act

The bill will reauthorize several key federal conservation programs through 2030

December 26, 2024

High-altitude grasslands are key to conserving Andean bears

Managers should also take into consideration when livestock foraged in these areas

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June 29, 2015

Biodiversity Could Be a Buffer Against Parasites, Disease

The richer an ecosystem is in biodiversity, the more resistant it could be to parasites and the spread of disease, according to a new study. “Our study shows that biodiversity...

Kit fox
June 26, 2015

Video: Oregon Wildlife Agency Releases Rare Kit Fox Footage

The Oregon wildlife agency released a video this week showing rare (albeit silent) footage of a kit fox (Vulpes macrotis) den in the eastern Oregon desert complete with frolicking pups....

Jim Dawson
June 26, 2015

Hunter Educator Inducted into Hall of Fame

Jim Dawson tends to get a little bit grumpy when he hasn’t been in the field hunting at least 60 days out of the year. Although his home state of...

June 26, 2015

Finalized EIS for National Feral Swine Management

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced the availability of its Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Feral Swine Damage Management Program. Working with its Wildlife Damage Management...

Bumble bee
June 26, 2015

Researchers Survey Alaskan Native Bumble Bees

It had been almost 50 years since researchers last recorded data about native bumble bees in Alaska. But in a recent study, researchers from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and...

June 25, 2015

Groups Sue Florida Over Conservation Budget

Environmental groups are suing the Florida Legislature after it approved a budget that ignores a state amendment directing funds for natural resource conservation. The amendment, which was approved by 75%...


Eastern massasauga rattlesnake
June 25, 2015

Resilient Fungus is Deadly Snake Killer

Tracking down snakes for a living can be fun, except when you stumble upon one that’s lost a portion of its face or tail. Lead author of a recently published...

Woolly adelgids
June 25, 2015

Flies May Defend Hemlocks from Invasives

Ecosystem managers looking to stop the onslaught of an invasive aphid-like insect that has been laying waste to hemlocks up and down the East Coast could have another ally in...

Hoary bat
June 25, 2015

Researchers Trace Hawaiian Hoary Bat Origins

A new discovery related to Hawaii’s only living native land mammal might mean some revisions regarding how it’s protected under the Endangered Species Act. In a recent study published in...