TWS2021: Cheat Mountain salamanders losing ground to climate
A rare salamander, endemic only to a few high elevation mountain tops in West Virginia, may lose all of its high-quality habitats by the end of the century due to...

In Albany, N.Y., gathering flocks are nothing to crow about
In the spring, Albany, New York, becomes home to thousands of crows. The noise and mess isn’t exactly welcomed by neighbors. So biologists with USDA-Wildlife Services is working to disperse...

Larger farms have less bird biodiversity
The Iron Curtain is more than just a bit of Cold War history. The imaginary line across Europe has left a legacy on the landscape in many ways. One is...

TWS journals: A new look & top downloads of 2021
You may have noticed a few changes to the appearance of The Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Monographs and Wildlife Society Bulletin. After more than a decade without a change...

JWM: Forest treatments favors nightjar abundance
In the Missouri Ozarks, you can hear Chuck-will’s-widows and eastern whip-poor-wills more often than you see them—especially on a full moon. These nightjar species are mostly active at night or...

Scientists find first possible case of COVID-19 transmission from deer to human
A new study in preprint reported the first potential case of a deer passing the novel coronavirus to a human. Researchers say they found no evidence of an elevated risk...

Deer harvests up amid pandemic
In the midst of the pandemic, hunters harvested the most deer in nearly a decade. According to the National Deer Association’s annual Deer Report, hunters harvested an estimated 6.3 million...

TWS and partners support BLM’s horse and burro removal
The Wildlife Society, along with the 33 other organizations in the American Wildlife Conservation Partners coalition, sent a letter of support to the Bureau of Land Management for its increased...

The March/April issue of The Wildlife Professional
The Wildlife Professional is an exclusive benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published six times annually, the magazine presents timely research news and analysis of trends in the wildlife profession....