TWS News


The July/August issue of The Wildlife Professional

Native Wildlife, Native Lands: Indigenous communities play a growing role in conservation and management

Read Now July 9, 2024
July 17, 2024

2024 TWS election results are in

Evelyn Merrill has won the vice presidency while Al Arsenault, Lisa Muller, and Kathy Granillo have been elected to Council

July 16, 2024

Wildlife Vocalizations: Nathaniel Owolawi

Outreach and education can improve conservation knowledge in Nigeria

July 16, 2024

USFWS plans to cull 450,000 barred owls to help native species

Project aims to stymie loss of California and northern spotted owls

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May 1, 2024

‘Supercomputing’ uncovers information about great gray owl

They spend more time close to people than once thought

May 1, 2024

Shedding light on vanishing fireflies

Climate and other factors are reducing firefly populations

April 30, 2024

JWM: Problem crocs in Darwin, Australia come from far and wide

Researchers tracked the source of the animals that end up in the northern Australian city

April 30, 2024

Chronic wasting disease reaches Indiana

The sample came through program enlisting taxidermists

April 29, 2024

As deer shift northward, caribou decline

Climate change is pushing white-tailed deer into western Canada’s boreal forest

April 29, 2024

TWS comments on utility-scale solar installations

TWS leveraged the Conservation Affairs Network to develop comments reflecting members' expertise on renewable energy effects on wildlife


April 26, 2024

WSB: Study tests accuracy of thermal drone surveys

In South Texas, the heat can be blinding

April 26, 2024

Computer model explores Tribal use of fire for ecosystem health

The Karuk Tribe regularly conducted burns in the fire-prone Klamath Mountains

April 25, 2024

2024 TWS Elections: Southwest Representative  

This year’s nominees for Southwest Representative to TWS Council are Kathy Granillo and Erika Nowak