USFWS expands hunting, phases out lead ammunition at specified refuges
The final rule opens up archery deer hunting at three wildlife refuges and phases out lead ammunition and tackle at eight over the next several years

USFWS rule would expand area for ferret reintroduction
It would also increase flexibility for wildlife managers, and encourage greater cooperation between managers and landowners

The Department of the Interior announces two new wildlife refuges
The Wyoming Toad Conservation Area and Tennessee’s Paint Rock River National Wildlife Refuge are the newest additions

Predator exclusion cages aren’t a trap for sea turtles
Researchers worried the cages would show coyotes where to prey on sea turtles

USFWS issues new Colorado gray wolf designation
The designation adds flexibility for wildlife managers looking to mitigate human-wildlife conflict

Biden vetoes efforts to strip protections for lesser prairie-chickens, northern long-eared bats
The vetoes maintain ESA protections for the two species

Proposed BLM rule prioritizes wildlife habitat over oil and gas development
The rule also increases returns for taxpayers

Emerging threat of wildlife disease warrants revamped National Wildlife Health Center
The National Wildlife Health Center is addressing overcrowded laboratories and outdated technology

Warming temperatures may cause some turtles to produce more eggs
The effect could benefit turtles grappling with climate change