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Members’ Comments Period: TWS Strategic Plan
During October’s regular annual meeting of the TWS Council, Council approved — with minor revisions — a draft of the 2019-2023 TWS Strategic Plan for review by the membership.
The review period for member comments will be open through Jan. 18, 2019. Council members will consider all member input received through that date before voting on a final version of the document at their next meeting in March 2019.
For the past five years, TWS has thrived working within its five-year Strategic Plan, which communicates Core Area Strategies — the primary areas of focus of the organization — that are aligned with TWS’s mission and vision.
Annually, Council and staff collaborate to develop Operations Plans that establish annual goals and tactics that align with one or more of the Core Area Strategies in the TWS Strategic Plan.
The draft document approved by Council keeps the current Strategic Plan largely intact since it is primarily a framework document rather than a specific set of goals to be achieved during the five-year period.
Members can click the following links to download and view pdfs of the proposed Strategic Plan and the current plan.
Submit your comments by email at or by mail to:
The Wildlife Society
25 Century Blvd, Suite 505
Nashville, TN 37214