Get ready for Quiz Bowl

Test your knowledge of wildlife trivia

The 25th Annual Quiz Bowl will take place during TWS’ Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. As a participant—or even as a member of the audience—you’ll have fun testing your expertise in wildlife trivia!

The winning team gets its name emblazoned on a plaque and receives an original piece of artwork to display at its school. Will our 2023 champions, Purdue University, defend their title or will a new champion be crowned?

Come join us, and cheer for your alma mater or your favorite team!

Ready to enter your team? Please send an email to with the following information:

1. The name of your university/college or student chapter of The Wildlife Society

2. The name and email address of your team coordinator. IMPORTANT: Ensure that this individual will receive and respond to emails throughout the summer. This can be an advisor; it does not need to be a competitor.

Review the official Quiz Bowl rules here.

Deadline for Registration: September 6 — or sooner! THIS IS IMPORTANT: due to the one-day schedule, the Quiz Bowl Committee will almost certainly limit the competition to 16 teams. They will maintain an alternatives list to compensate for late cancellations, but register early to ensure a space in the competition.


Header Image: Members of the University of Georgia TWS Student Chapter get ready to take on the Green Mountain College TWS Student Chapter in Quiz Bowl. Credit: The Wildlife Society