Geographical Location: Central Mountain & Plains

October 27, 2015

Q&A: What Are the Risks and Challenges Associated With Tularemia?

Tularemia, a severe infectious disease humans can contract from some small mammals, has been unusually active this year in Wyoming, with 16 human cases documented by the end of September....

October 7, 2015

Wild Cam: TWS Member Tracks Wolverines in Wyoming

While they are known for their scent and ability to track prey themselves, there aren’t many large animals more elusive to researchers than the wolverine. But a new camera trap...

October 5, 2015

USFWS Releases Final Recovery Plan for Wyoming Toad

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced last week the release of a final recovery plan for a rare toad whose population has been hit hard by a deadly fungal...

September 8, 2015

Researchers Reveal Hot Spots for Eagles and Turbines

The first large-scale study on golden eagle nesting sites and wind energy development in Wyoming has revealed potential areas for wind-power sites that avoid the eagles’ nesting sweet spots. Researchers...

August 12, 2015

Inbreeding Not to Blame for Bighorn Sheep Decline

Catherine Driscoll was hiking with her father in the Never Summer Mountain Range of the Rocky Mountains. They were collecting bighorn sheep’s fecal pellet samples to study their genetic variation,...

June 9, 2015

Predator Recovery Creates New Management Challenges

Conservationists often struggle to institute affordable wildlife recovery plans that actually work, fully aware that success stories aren’t always the rule. But a new study published in Conservation Letters shows...