Geographical Location: Canada

November 21, 2016

JWM study: How much snow cover do female wolverines need?

Spring snow cover in northern Alberta has been decreasing for decades. This shift is generally not expected to bode well for cold-adapted wildlife, such as the elusive and charismatic wolverine...

November 16, 2016

Moose removal resumes in Nova Scotia

On Nov. 8, Parks Canada resumed a moose population reduction effort in Cape Breton Highlands National Park in Nova Scotia, attempting to restore boreal forests. The removal, which could run...

November 8, 2016

Provincial report: Wildlife populations declining in Ontario

The Environmental Commissioner for Ontario recently released the 2015/2016 Environmental Protection Report, titled “Small Steps Forward”. Volume 2 of this report focuses on trends in biodiversity, referring to case studies...

September 30, 2016

Western land, wildlife contaminated with mercury

An extensive analysis led by the U.S. Geological Survey has found widespread mercury contamination in western habitats and wildlife. Mercury levels varied from place to place, fluctuating with factors such...

September 26, 2016

University of Manitoba offers mentored hunting course

Students at the University of Manitoba are getting hands-on experience harvesting geese and deer while earning college credits. The Environmental Field Investigations course gives students a better understanding of the...

August 29, 2016

Climate change, not land use, is driving deer north

The northward spread of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) may be unstoppable, according to new research. Deer have been creeping north for decades, invading Canada’s boreal forests and creating problems for...

June 22, 2016

Wildlife habitat thrives in northern boreal forests

Northern boreal forests in Quebec — home to black spruce trees (Picea mariana) that many species of wildlife rely on for habitat — can provide refuge to species that suffer...

June 7, 2016

Tourism Winnipeg recognizes TWS conference success

Manitoba’s tourism department recently presented TWS members Merlin Shoesmith and Don Sexton the “Bring it Home Award” for helping draw more than 1,500 people to Winnipeg as part of The...

April 15, 2016

Wild Cam: Student poster winner tracks Arctic grizzlies

The largest populations of Arctic grizzly bears are sustained by a healthy balanced diet of food sources, according to research. “The idea would be that we could really show that...

February 23, 2016

TWS 2015 student poster winner: Windfarms and wildlife

Rehabilitation may be a potential form of mitigation for the threats wind farms pose to migratory birds, according to research presented at The Wildlife Society’s 22nd Annual Conference in Winnipeg. “Wind farms...