Area of Focus: Species Taxon

July 24, 2023

N.Y. to study nonlead ammo to benefit eagles

The state is recruiting hunters for a multiyear study

July 21, 2023

Wood turtle surveys expand known distribution in Quebec

Discoveries help province plan conservation for vulnerable species

July 19, 2023

First grizzly bear confirmed in Pryor Mountains

Camera reveals bear scratching itself on a tree in south-central Montana

July 18, 2023

Contractor removes ‘record-breaking’ python nest from Everglades

The Burmese python nest held 111 eggs

July 17, 2023

JWM: Saharan gazelles need large tracts of protected land

Prolonged drought may be affecting these desert-dwelling gazelles

July 17, 2023

Ticks might be spreading CWD

A study of deer in Wisconsin reveals how the prion disease may move between hosts

July 14, 2023

Vancouver Island marmots on road to recovery

Canada’s rarest mammal is returning thanks to captive breeding and reintroduction

July 12, 2023

JWM: Large, intense burns may limit habitat for Washington lynx 

Climate change and past fire suppression had led to damaging wildfires

July 12, 2023

Big herbivores preserve plant life in a warming Arctic

Animals like caribou and musk oxen slow the loss of plant diversity caused by disappearing sea ice

July 11, 2023

Watch: For seabirds, plastic poses a danger even far from shore

Swirling gyres pose deep-sea plastic risks