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CSCC Student Chapter logs almost 1,000 volunteer hours
The Cleveland State Community College (CSCC) Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society has been busy over the last six months, logging over 995 volunteer hours across many activities.
In May, June, and July, students assisted TWRA biologists in collecting bear hair from snare traps across southeast Tennessee. In August, the student chapter welcomed Dr. Jenny Paul as a new faculty member with the Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries program. Additionally, they hosted Mike Studer, state apiarist, as part of the Greg A. Vital Center for Natural Resources and Conservation seminar series. The students also assisted with abomasal parasite counts at Yuchi and Enterprise South Nature Park WMA’s.
In September, they cooked for the Burgers & Badges event honoring first responders, where they were also offered a free meal. In October, students manned checking stations in the Tellico District of Cherokee National Forest and also worked the Hunt for Warriors at Enterprise South Nature Park. The student chapter also set up an educational booth at the annual Bison Blessing at the Greg Vital buffalo farm.
In November, they worked county checking stations at the opening day of muzzleloader and rifle seasons. Additionally, members hosted 10 high-school teams for the first annual GVCNRC conservation skillathon. In December, student members worked the Hunt for Warriors at Fall Creek Falls State Park. In January they worked the Crane Days Festival at Birchwood School, and in May they will be hosting students from New Mexico as part of the CSCC Swap program.
This article originally appeared in the Southeastern Section of The Wildlife Society’s January 2018 newsletter.
Header Image: Autumn foliage in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Credit Matthew Paulson. ©Matthew Paulson