Category: TWS Wildlife News

Box turtle
June 17, 2015

Citizen Scientists Track Declining Box Turtles

The bowl-sized reptiles could be living in your garden or you may have helped them cross the highway. You may have caught them, or kept one as a pet when...

Florida panther
June 17, 2015

Conservation Easement Secures Florida Panther Habitat

A conservation easement in LaBelle, Florida has given additional hope to the last remaining subspecies of cougar in the eastern United States. While the debate rages on about whether or...

Black bear
June 12, 2015

“Teddy” Bear to be Removed from Endangered List

More than a century ago, President Theodore Roosevelt was on a hunting trip in Mississippi where he refused to shoot a Louisiana black bear that one of the guides and...

June 11, 2015

Game Birds Ingesting Plastic and Garbage Metal: Study

Waterfowl commonly hunted as game birds in eastern Canada are ingesting significant amounts of plastic and garbage metal, according to a new study. While researchers have been documenting the ingesting...

June 10, 2015

Collaborative Bat Monitoring Study Launched

The United States Forest Service recently published plans for a new program to monitor bat populations across North America and determine the effects of ongoing threats such as habitat loss,...

June 9, 2015

Predator Recovery Creates New Management Challenges

Conservationists often struggle to institute affordable wildlife recovery plans that actually work, fully aware that success stories aren’t always the rule. But a new study published in Conservation Letters shows...

A harbor seal equipped with a GPS tracking device.
June 8, 2015

Wind Turbine Construction Could Damage Seals’ Hearing

Offshore wind turbine construction may be too loud for seals to handle, according to new research. Researchers attached GPS devices to 24 harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in 2012 while offshore...

Ponderosa pine forests
June 4, 2015

Forest Thinning Project Underway In Texas

The Nature Conservancy’s Davis Mountains Preserve in western Texas is undergoing a much needed forest thinning project, courtesy of a partnership between the Conservancy and the Texas A&M Forest Service,...

White-tailed deer
June 4, 2015

First Case of CWD in Michigan Deer

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a fatal neurological disease that affects white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk and moose, was confirmed for the first time in a free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)...

Suburban feral swine damage
June 1, 2015

Collaborating to Halt Feral Swine Damage – from The Wildlife Professional Magazine

From the summer 2015 issue of The Wildlife Professional Collaborating to Halt Feral Swine Damage Early Efforts Showing Success Unconstrained or unclaimed swine — which include Eurasian wild boars, Polynesian...