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Call for Symposia: Vth International Wildlife Congress
The deadline for symposia proposals for the Vth International Wildlife Congress in Sapporo, Japan is January 9, 2015, so don’t wait until after the holidays to submit your proposal!
The Mammal Society of Japan and The Wildlife Society are co-hosting the Congress from July 26-30, 2015. Registration for all conference attendees is now open at
Just a few of the proposals already received include:
- Wildlife Conservation and Management of Shiretoko National Park, 2015 (Sharing experience and knowledge with Yellowstone, Sikhote-Alin and Shiretoko)
- Deer and Forestry Management
- Invasive Species Management
- Disease Ecology
- Wetland and Wildlife Conservation
- Conservation of Large Mammals in the Russian Far East
Proposals will be evaluated on timeliness of the subject, importance to the profession and/or contribution to science, and the overall quality of the written proposal. Symposium organizers will be notified whether their proposals have been accepted or deferred around January 16, 2015 and the abstracts will be required by February 19, 2015.
Click here to review the full Call for Symposia that outlines the process and deadlines.