New TWS policy resources available

Four new policy briefs have been added to The Wildlife Society’s Policy Resources and several have been updated. These publications are available as educational resources for chapters, sections, and members to learn about policy, conservation issues, and advocate on behalf of wildlife professionals in discussions with decision-makers, the public, and other stakeholders on current issues affecting wildlife management and conservation.

TWS’ Fact Sheet Series provides scientific explanations to issues involved in wildlife management and conservation. Among others, the Fact Sheet Series covers topics like the effects of invasive species, — domestic cats, feral horses and burros, and feral swine — the effects of lead (Pb) exposure on wildlife, and the effects of wind energy development on wildlife. The Fact Sheet Series as well as the Policy Brief Series have been given a new look along with their updated content.

TWS’ Policy Brief Series provides information on a variety of different policies related to wildlife management and conservation. Each of these briefs focuses on a specific federal policy or program, describes how it operates, and demonstrates its impact for wildlife and wildlife professionals. All of the original policy briefs — like the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, Endangered Species Act, Lacey Act, Species at Risk Act, and State and Tribal Wildlife Grants —  have been updated with current information and timely examples. New policy briefs have also been added to the series:

The Farm Bill: Conservation (Title II) Programs

The new policy brief consolidates information and gives a broad overview of the Farm Bill, focusing on Title II programs which authorize the bill’s agricultural and working lands conservation programs.

Migratory Bird Treaty Act

The new policy brief highlights how MBTA plays a key role in integrating science into conservation action through an internationally coordinated management framework.

National Environmental Policy Act

The new policy brief steps through the procedural process involved in complying with NEPA requirements.

United States Congressional Appropriations Process

The new policy brief includes a simplified timeline of the congressional appropriations process and discusses implications for wildlife professionals related to natural resources funding.

TWS has also updated its Policy Priority Reference Lists. These lists provide source information on journal articles — pulled from TWS publications, which include The Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Monographs, The Wildlife Society Bulletin, and TWS’ Technical Review Series — related to TWS’ ten policy priorities. Policy Priority Reference Lists are a resource for anyone interested in learning about the science related to  specific policy topics by directing them to published science relevant to the issues. TWS Members can access all of TWS’ peer-reviewed journal articles via their member portal for free.

In addition to these new and revised resources, TWS’ Policy Resources also include the Society’s position statements, technical reviews, and the Conservation Affairs Network Policy Toolkit.


Header Image: ©Tom Koerner, USFWS